Oct 17, 2010

America Is Weary Of ....

Common Sense Commentary: I am not speaking of everyone in the following catagories,but of those described here, of whom America is weary ...........

Of whites whose bigoted bias believes the color of a person's skin has anything at all to do with their value as a person. ....

Of blacks who expect something for nothing and blame all their failures on racial discrimination...

Of Jews who are so focused on the historic persecution of their race, that they accuse anyone who disagrees with them of anti-semitism. ....

Of Fundamentalist Christians who criticize and condemn those to whom they are not willing to give a Christian witness, of the saving grace of Christ.

Of Liberal "Christians" who justify every sin in the Book except intolerance and racial discrimination. ...

Of selfrighteous homosexuals who demand acceptance, by an entire nation, of their lifestyle and desires, as marriage equals, to Biblical and traditional marriage.

Of judges who overlook tons of absolute evidence of guilt in order to protect the last, ambiguous ounce of a criminal's rights, and then release them back on society.

Of politicians who put their party and self interests ahead of what is good for the nation. ...

Of those who are intolerant and hateful toward those they consider to be intolerant and hatefull. ...

Of "know it alls" like me who, when they see these faults in others, publish them. ...

So, exactly "what" am I ? A white, fundamental, Christian Essentialist who loves Christ, Jews, blacks and all lost souls, but have very little patience with Liberal Judges, Liberal Christians, Liberal Politicians, Haters of people, Bullies, and Selfrighteous Homosexuals.

Pass It On If You Like. RB

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