Oct 18, 2010

Single By Calling ....Jesus Was Single

Common Sense Commentary:

The most notable single person in the Bible was the most notable person in history. Jesus Christ never married a wife. Jesus was single. He has chosen Himself a Bride ... the Church. This Holy Courtship is presently in the Engagement stage. His proposal and promise has been given and guaranteed by the golden gift of His Holy Spirit to assure and secure His beloved. Our Bridegroom, having redeemed His Church from a sinful past, has now taken His journey to His "Father's house", to "prepare a place" there for her. Jn.14:2. This holy, spiritual union, with it's promise of holy matrimony, will be culminated by a glorious wedding ceremony in His Father's House, at a time already determined by the Father but unannounced as yet. The announcement will be suddenly heralded around the world by the voice of the archangel and sound of heaven's trumpets. "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord." IThess.4:16-17.

Jesus Christ, the heavenly Bridegroom will be eternally united to his Bride, the Church (true believers), and includes those who remained "single" in this world, but accepted His Proposal, "Come unto me". Every person who accepts Jesus Christ as their own, will be included in His chosen Bride and will participate in the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb". Rev.19:9 "Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb."

Remember, to insinuate something is unnatural or missing in a single person's life is like saying something is wrong with being a Jew .... Jesus was both. Such customs, opinions and prejudices are in direct contradiction of God's Word. In fact, the Apostle Paul suggested that the ideal marital situation of a disciple of Christ would be "single" and free to serve the Lord, if the person could endure singleness. "I speak this by permission, and not of commandment. For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I," ....Unmarried. "But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn (lust)." ICor.7:6-9.

For these and other good reasons, our single saints should be accepted as they are, without callous questions such as, "When are you going to get married ?" or "Do you have any prospects?" Married people, of all people, should know that marriage is not always desirable for everyone, especially those who are "called to be single", as Paul apparently was. People are all different. They have different needs and different callings from God. To marry someone outside of the will of God is a terrible mistake so don't put pressure on a single person to marry. Let the Lord lead them in His will .... not yours. You may cause them to marry outside of God's will. There are many unhappy married people. Even some who are Christians. Many spouses of believers are not saved and some will never be and they, therefore, will be eternally separated from each other. Better not to marry than for a marriage to end in divorce, especially with children involved. Do not put pressure on single people.

Marriage can be wonderful for a person who is called of God to be married and, if in fact, they marry the person God chooses for them and, if they serve God faithfully together. But, a person can serve God just as effectively single as married. Paul says, more effectively, if lust doesn't control them.

Remember, some people are single by calling. Let them be. Let us mind our own business. Jesus was single and so was the Apostle Paul.

Pass It On. RB

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