Oct 5, 2010

The Blessings Of Extreme Trials

Common Sense Commentary:
The Bible teaches that "ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO ...." ME. For you too, if you are one of "....THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD". Rom.8:28. One of those "things" that " work together for good", to true Christians, is "Tribulations", which is "Trials".
"Tribulation WORKETH patience" which is perseverance.There is gain in Christian suffering and hardship. Rom.5:3. There is no verse in the Bible which contradicts this truth and many which verify it. The fact is, there are "Blessings in extreme trials".

1. Extreme trial is essential to living life to the fullest extent possible.

In the heat of battle, in the burst of adrenalin at eminent danger, in all moments of great trial, there is a certain euphoric expansion of mind and muscle which is worth more than many days, weeks or months of uneventful existence. The two high water marks of the Apostle Paul's life were when he was struck down and blinded by the Lord, on the Damascus Road, and later when he was drug out of Lystra, Galatia and stoned to death, or near it, for preaching Christ.He was left for dead, there in the road, with his few followers standing around, sadly looking at his bruised, broken and bloody body. Suddenly, he gasped for breath, opened his eyes and got up. Then, he went immediately back into the same city and finished what God sent him there to do ... Preach Christ. Acts.4:19-20 & 2Cor.12:1-6. Even Paul said he didn't know whether he had been "in the body or out of the body", alive or dead and referred to himself in the third person.

2. Extreme trial is the purposeful pain of exercising unused senses and endurance

Just as physical exercise strengthens and tones the body, extreme exercise of the emotions and senses prepares the inner person for equal or greater trials in the future where they would otherwise collapse and fail under the stress of great trials. 1Cor.10:13.

3. Extreme trial develops awareness that life has much more important meaning.

Unusual and difficult trials serve to awaken one to the fact that life is more than just a long, drawn-out, boring sentence to hard labor and disappoints. It teaches us that things could be worse. It's also good to know that, even if we don't see clearly what it is, God has something important going on beyond human perception and we are an important part of it. The man Job didn't understand why he was suffering so and had lost everything and everybody he loved . But God was using all that loss and suffering, in Job's life, so he would get a clearer picture of his true self and of God Himself, and of what was really important in life. He grew into a far better man than he had been before those trials. Job 42:3-6.

4. Extreme trial offers the certain knowledge that, thereafter, one will be a better person.

Any Christian, determined to survive, must know that successfully enduring great trial requires that the survivor must grow better, more patient, caring, fulfilled and prepared for the future.

Apostle Peter put it in these words. "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle you." 1Pet.5:10. Jesus has a higher purpose in trials than just making us hurt. "I am the true vine .... Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." Jn.15:1-2. Trust Him to do in and with your life as He knows best ... for His glory and your good.

5. Extreme trial teaches us that by enduring pain and hardship, we encourage others to endure theirs also.

When we, as Christians, suffer with patience and grace, others who are also in the midst of great trial are strengthened to endure by our example. Only the patient endurance of severe hardship prepares one to counsel and encourage those in similar situations. "The God of all comfort .... comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." 1Cor.1:4.

6. Extreme trial generates gratitude to God for preparing us to fulfill His perfect purpose in our lives.

Anyone who truly believes in the omniscient, caring God of the Bible must also believe that He knows better than we what experiences in life are best for us. And He knows how to get us to the place where our talents will be best invested and where we will be at peace with ourselves and with Him. Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you ...." "Now the God of peace .... Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ ...." Heb.13:21.

7. Extreme trial, when it has passed, leaves relief, joy and fulfillment.

The most obvious blessing of extended, crushing hardship is the relief and joy which follows it's passing. Personal fulfillment takes a little longer in it's arrival. The holy oil, of God's Spirit, which smooths and sooths the grinding weight of suffering's movement through our lives, is knowing our Father is shaping us and this pain is the path to higher ground. "No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby." Heb.12:11.

Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this revealing, uplifting piece. God has led me down this path and has helped me to grow each time.



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