Oct 4, 2010

If Love Doesn't Last Forever, What's Forever For ?

Common Sense Commentary:

If even love doesn't last forever, for millions of people, then what's forever for ? That was the title of a popular, secular song a few years ago. It is a good question. Most of the people in this world are asking themselves such questions, seeking something dependable in life. If the best thing in life can't endure the pressures and trials of life, what can endure; what does last forever ? What can we ,dying human beings believe in? What does last forever ? Is there anything that never ceases .... that we can count on ?

Statistics show that most marriages and common law unions will eventually come apart. There isn't enough space here to list all the negative eventualities which can destroy human, sexual attraction and relationships,where there are no "spiritual" roots to hold them together. Most of our youthful dreams are never fulfilled, pleasure ceases to satisfy, worldly success is hollow, and rootless love dies. For these reasons, many middle aged people turn off their sensitivity switches so they won't hurt anymore. It is sad to see so many who have given up on a truly happy life. Yes, the world is a mess, but hasn't it always been so?

Even a thousand years before Christ, King Solomon, who possessed every possible treasure, and enjoyed a king's menu of pleasure, declared that, "all is vanity". In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reviewed his life and a long list of his successes and pleasures. He outlined his philosophy of life and thirty times in twelve chapters he concluded, "all is vanity". The Hebrew word here for "vanity" is "hebel" and simply means "empty", useless, unsatisfying.

In King Solomon's "quest for the best" in life, he discovered what all of us must sooner or later learn ... that life without God is, in fact, "empty". Nothing, of this world, satisfies for long. As we grow older, the more wonderful, beautiful things we scratch off our list, the shallower becomes the depth of our satisfaction, ... without God. The "empty" junk food of temporary gratification is available in ever increasing abundance; but the nourishing manna of lasting satisfaction may be found only in a love for Christ. His supply of peace and purpose ,in life, is sufficient for all who seek Him. "Seek ye first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these (other) things shall be added unto you." Mt.6:33.

There is absolutely no "permanent" satisfaction in pleasure or secular accomplishment. God has provided, it is recorded in His Word, that faith in His Son Jesus Christ is the beginning place for a fulfilled life. Following our experience of salvation, every Christian who continues to seek after Him is satisfied with peace and purpose. When we no longer "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness", we are no longer satisfied and at peace. There is only one way we can depend on, which is lasting. God's love lasts forever and THAT'S what forever is for,but we can chose to turn away from that one thing which lasts forever. Each of us has a God given free will to decide for ourselves, and each must and will chose our own destiny. " And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom you will serve ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15.

Pass It On. RB


  1. You don't know HOW MUCH I have needed this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart--I have the fondest memories of my time at NFC and TBC. Bob put this on his Facebook and we are Facebook friends--God is so good!

    Love to you and Mrs. Blair!

    Celeste Fleetwood Lewis
    NFC Class of 1983

  2. I needed to read this! Thanks for sharing!

    I love and miss you and Mrs. Betty!

    Julie Q.


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