Oct 26, 2010

Change Is Inevitable In Everything Except God

Common Sense Commentary:

Only two things never change .... the fact of change itself and God Himself. "I am the Lord, I CHANGE NOT." Mal.3:6. ++++ "Jesus Christ THE SAME yesterday, and today and for ever." Heb.13:8. Eternal God has always been perfect and will always be, world without end. He has always known everything, past, present and future and always shall. God has never "learned" anything having always known everything. Omniscience cannot change; Omnipotence cannot change; Omnipresence cannot change. God cannot improve for the better, He is perfect, and cannot be made less perfect. Everything else changes constantly; some for the better and some for the worse. Satan, himself is constantly changing but never for the better, always for the worse. Satan will give his evil power to the "Beast" Kingdom (a governing system) and the rising horn (king) who shall conquer the saints and is described in Dan.7, "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS...." for three and a half years. Dan.7:25 and Rev.13:4-7. This fluent, articulate ruler "king" of the "Beastly Kingdom" will "think to change times and laws" and will, in fact, change History and National Laws to harmonize with International Laws. Laws against unequal food distribution, crime, global warming, smoking, drinking, personal weapons, inequity of any kind (equal health care, equal housing, equal transportation and electricity and so on). Consider this lost world of darkness, misery, injustice, most of the world's population in dire need, a United Nations which constantly endorses "International Law" and International causes, banking, currency, and more power.

This is exactly the world, political atmosphere and condition of humanity which will be responsive to World Law and a World Leader who promises justice, equality, food, medicine and safety. That is the "CHANGE" we are moving toward in the United Nations and in America right now. Global Laws and Global Equality would be welcomed, at this moment in history, by most of the world and even by the Socialistic pseudo Liberals in the United States Of America. If you do not believe that, simply face the facts of the recent "changes" in our country and world. Who would ever have thought it could happen here ..... but it is. This world, and half of America too, is ripe for acceptance of World Government, Law and Leadership. It sounds good and reasonable to the vast majority of suffering and needy and abused masses in the world, as well as Socialistic/Communistic/ Humanistic types. But the rule of Antichrist will be a dictatorship.

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28.

Pass It On. RB

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