Oct 25, 2010

The Bible: God's Word Or Not ?

Common Sense Commentary:

Dr. Henry H. Halley, author of Halley's Bible Handbook, is known throughout the world as one of the greatest Bible scholars who ever lived. In the introduction of the book, which has sold millions of copies, Dr. Halley has this to say about the Bible:

"Apart from any theory of inspiration; or any theory of how the Bible books came to their present form; or how much the text may have suffered in transmission at the hands of editors and copyists; apart from the question of how much is to be interpreted literally and how much figuratively, or what is historical and what may be poetical; if we will assume that the Bible is just what it appears to be, and study its books to know their contents, we will find there a Unity of Thought indicating that One Mind inspired the writing and compilation of the whole series of books; that it bears on its face the stamp of its Author; that it is in a unique and distinctive sense THE WORD OF GOD."

"There is a difference between the Bible and all other books. Authors may pray for God's help and guidance; and God does help and guide; and there are many good books in the world unmistakably God had helped the authors to write. But even so, the most saintly of authors would hardly presume to claim for his books that God wrote them. But that is claimed for the Bible. God Himself superintended and directed and dictated the writing of the Bible books, with the human authors so completely under His control that the writing was the writing of God. The Bible is GOD'S WORD in a sense that no other book in the world is God's Word."

"The Bible composed by many authors, over a period of many centuries, yet ONE BOOK, is, in itself, the outstanding Miracle of the ages, bearing aloft its own evidence of its Superhuman Origin."

"Everybody ought to love the Bible. Everybody ought to be a regular reader of the Bible. Everybody ought to strive to live by the Bible's teachings. The Bible ought to have central place in the life and working of every Church; and in every pulpit. The pulpit's one business is the simple expository teaching of God's Word." Unquote.

Let me add a few words to Dr. Halley's: Patrick Henry once said, "The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed". In addition, more than 90% of our country's founders believed the Bible to be "God's Word". Who am I to deny the Prophets, Apostles, and our National Founders. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God". IITim.3:16.

Yes, there are times when Jehovah is so quiet in the face of mounting injustices and unanswered prayer that even a saint is tempted to imagine that the whole world is in the unfeeling control of science or fate or happenstance. But then there are other times when His voice is so clear and His presence and glory and love so obvious and strong that no honest, reasonable, rational person could dare deny God's absolute, certain reality. Besides that, there is, even to the unbeliever's eyes, the undeniable witness of the Universe, Earth, Human existence, babies, sight, hearing and intelligence which demand acceptance of the Creator God.

This is why the faithful believer, who seems always to be living a victorious life, does not trust in circumstances or self or appearances. His faith is rooted and grounded, not in feelings, but in God's Holy Word and His power to fulfill His Word.

"Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." ICor.2:5.
"We walk by faith, not by sight." IICor.5:7. "Faith cometh by hearing ... The Word of God." Rom.10:17. It is God's Word and only God's Word which is the root of our faith, and "without faith it is impossible to please God ." Heb.11:6. Know this, that Jesus Christ, The Living Word of God, is the Saviour of sinners, of which I am one, saved by His Grace. He will save you as well.

Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen
    Thanks for the consistent loving stand on God's word.


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