Oct 21, 2010

Garbage Dump Poverty....

Common Sense Commentary:

Spoiled brats never know they are spoiled brats. They think whatever they want is their right and the longer they get it, the more violent they become when it stops. Witness France. The bankrupt government must raise the retirement age to sixty and all the unions are striking ... with an iron hammer and setting fires. Our country has been so prosperous for so many years that very, very few citizens of the U.S. have ever seen real, true, honest to goodness poverty. Most think they have, but really haven't. There are some Americans seventy five and older who not only saw real poverty but lived in it during the Great Depression from 1929 to 1941. No use trying to explain it; it's like war or giving birth, you don't really know how it is unless you've done it. There is, however, real, true, garbage dump poverty in India, Africa, Haiti, Mexico and in parts of other countries but not in the USA. Someone will say, "I saw a poor "street person" or dirty child in the ghetto of New York or some other U.S. city, who was in poverty". Poverty is not the problem when the person or parent spends all their money on drugs, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and unnecessary stuff. Poverty is no problem when you can walk to a Rescue Mission or Food Kitchen or beg enough in a few minutes to get a meal. I built and directed a Rescue Mission for years and in every case, to my knowledge, of those who came there in need, there was a drug, alcohol, gambling, mental, legal, or an aversion to work, problem. The real problem in the USA is addiction, mental, legal, lazy or a parental problem and the government complicates it by enabling the problem and robbing those involved of their dignity and self reliance with free everything. Some call that Socialism and some Liberalism, but what it is ..... is robbing the producers by taxation and inflation in order to buy the votes of the non producers. God says, the day will come when, "The vile person shall no more be called liberal". Isa.32:5 KJV.

We have, in our country, the largest welfare and free stuff programs of any nation in the world. We have dozens of pseudo "entitlement" programs, unemployment benefits, free housing, free medical care at any hospital emergency room, free prescription drugs, free clinics in ghetto's, free schools,free public defenders, food stamps, food banks,soup kitchens, rescue missions, "entitlements" and subsidies of every kind imaginable, plus give away stimulus money called "Quantitative Easing" plus "earned income tax credits". Not a word of the latter is true. It is money taken from other people's tax payments to "give" someone who did not "earn" it but was given to those who PAID NO TAXES AT ALL. So call it what it is, "welfare".

Missioning in Mexico, many times, I have seen parents and children, who had no choice and through no fault of their own, lived in a garbage dump. They were working hard to survive by feeding pigs rotten scraps of food and digging glass, metal, wood, paper and bone out of the poorest garbage dump you can imagine. This is poverty in a very poor country where nobody throws anything away of any value whatever. These garbage dump people live in and under the trash or a hovel held together with wire or string. Some sleep in the trash. They have no electricity, no running water, no appliances of any kind, no bathrooms or bedrooms or furniture. They have rags for clothes and usually no shoes. Most of them do not drink or smoke or use drugs. They have no money for such things. Many of them are handicapped, sick, parentless, too old, too young, or too something to make it outside of the garbage dump. Their problem was and is, indeed, POVERTY, as well as a corrupt government where you, routinely, must pay-off gov. officials to get anything done. Their poor are the poorest of the poor in a poor country. We went there, each year, to take truck loads of food and hope in Christ. The church we founded there is still alive and doing God's work.

Every American should visit the garbage dumps of Mexico, Haiti, India, or Africa to learn what real poverty is and then come home, work hard, be frugal, stop complaining and get involved in the spiritual and poverty problems of the world.

Pass It On. RB


  1. I know you, so I know you speak the truth! Well said and I hope those who read this "get" the message.

    God bless you brother Blair.

  2. Rev. Blair,

    How has life treated you since your days in Tallahassee? I hope you and your family are well.

    I fondly remember Rex and Ronald from Cobb and Leon, then later on my wife and I attended Temple (unfortunately, not as often as we should have).

    Your blog will henceforth reside at the top of the list in my internet favorites folder.

    Hugh Williams


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