Oct 13, 2010

Every Season (And Age) Is Wonderful

Common Sense Commentary: "I have been young, and now I am old; yet have I not seen the righteous (right) forsaken nor His seed begging bread." Psm.37:25.

I wrote this article for the September 1984 issue of Word Of Truth when I was 53 years old.It will be updated at the end of this blog.I will be 80 this Dec.24th.

Isn't it wonderful that God knows what He is doing ... all the time ? His plan is always perfect. We would be so much better off if we would simply yield ourselves to God's perfect will. The older I get, the more I realize it is the only way.

I think God's illustration of this is the unique beauty of each of the four seasons and the different satisfactions we get from each of them. When fresh, green buds and little flowers begin to stick their tiny heads out to feel the warmth of Spring, life is born. Then, suddenly, cold has gone and left cool behind. Everything wakes up, as if for the very first time, with color and new life. Farms all over America are turning the awakening soil a beautiful green. Children are free to run and play without much responsibility. At that moment it seems to me, Spring is the most wonder full time of the year.

Then, comes Summer and the strengthening, purifying effects of the sun. What fun it is to go vacationing, sailing, picnicking, mountain climbing, swimming, or start new projects. At those moments it seems that Summer is the most important season of the four. So much can be done in the summertime.

Along about August, I find myself growing tired of Summer with all its' heat and activity and begin looking forward to those cool, dry breezes of Fall. Then, you wake up one morning, step outside and that wonderful Autumn atmosphere has arrived. It feels like "school days" and "football" and "harvest time, pumpkins, and festivals", all to the tune of colorful trees and falling leaves and wood smoke seasoning the cool air. A walk in the woods, leaves raining down on sweaters and coats is a soothing and glorious time. And, of course, I feel Autumn is the most fantastic season of all.

I suppose you would say that I am in the autumn of life at 53. During my teenage years I was convinced that no age of life could ever be as great as youth. The spring of life from infancy to 20 is beautiful. Then, suddenly, we are married, have children, new responsibilities, and almost unlimited physical strength and health. It was the summer of life between 20 and 45. Those in the summer of life usually still think 60 is old, but not as old as they once thought. So they fill their lives with activity, raising the children, making money, and begin to save for "retirement" .... some day. When I was 20, I thought people who were 36 were "old". I thought men who were 45 or 50 should retire and move on ... make room for the younger guys. Funny how that thought keeps changing upward as one grows older.

(My 92 year old aunt still thought she could drive her big old car and was safer than "these teenagers". She may have been right about the teenagers, but she kept up the car insurance, inspections and licenses until we insisted she be rid of all that. She died this year at 97 after a fall. She lived alone but was "too young to go to a retirement center".) This para. added 10-13-10.

Then comes the Autumn of life. It will seem strange to most of you younger readers, but at age 53, life is more enjoyable, exciting, challenging and wonderful to me in every way .... except for football, which I now enjoy watching more than playing. As strange as it may seem, I would rather be 53 than 33, 23, or 13. The autumn of life is absolutely fantastic. It has to be the best season of all. The only thing wrong with my viewpoint is that I have never been 63 or 73 or 83. Many of those who are living in the winter of life tell me that, in it's own way, it is just as wonderful as either of the other three seasons of life. I think the secret to happiness, fulfillment, and being satisfied with your age and place in life is found when you are at peace with God and yourself. Of course, health can make your personal peace of mind more difficult. To me, there is nothing quite so beautiful as a happy Christian who grows old gracefully and is content in the knowledge that every age has it's blessings and every person has his or her place in God's plan. It may be, you feel unnecessary, unloved, or unable to do anything really important with your life. Not so. If you are young, you will grow in knowledge and ability and usefulness. If you are old, you can still do the most important things in life, love your grandchildren, share your wisdom and experience when asked, be kind to everyone, listen to their problems, and most of all pray for them.One phrase from a grandparent can change a life. That is serving God, and them, as much as anything anyone else, younger, can do. No season is more important than another, and no season is unneeded. So it is with age.

.................Update as of 10-13-10 .....................
I am now a few days short of 80 years old in the winter of life. So what is it like ? Thankfully, I still agree with what I thought and said twenty six years ago in that last sentence, above. At 80, I am just as happy with life and even more in love with my Lord. Health, of course, diminishes,
with age, but peace with God does not .... it grows steadily stronger. I am content with my own life and health and wouldn't trade for someone else's. Even though I know my departure couldn't be very far off and may be imminent, I still want my own life, health, circumstances, my children, my wife, and my memories .... all of them. I must confess that, if I could, I would do some things differently or not at all, but I am a realist, it can't be, so I do not let regrets undermine an old man's peace of mind and peace with God. I rest the past with my Lord, good or bad, and let Him straighten out the kinks and potholes. He is in that business.

Even death is not to be feared ... for the believer. Dying is no more the end of life than winter is the end of seasons. It is simply another changing of the seasons and the beginning of a brand new and far more wonderful, glorious way of living. For a Christian, it is the spring of eternal life, that will never cease or turn hot or cold or die. I am sure that it will be the best season of them all. Faith in Christ makes all seasons beautiful .... including old age and the fifth and final one, which lasts forever.

Pass It On. RB


  1. Rayburn, thank you for these wondeful thoughts, I too am older, wiser and much closer to God than I was in 1984.

    And yes, heath, death, changing of the seasons (both natural and physical) are milestones in our lives pathway. I look forward to eternity with a new body, no pains, no problems; just fellowship with fellow Christians.


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