Oct 12, 2010


Common Sense Commentary:

Dale Carnegie's book, "How To Win Friends And Influence People" motivated a lot of folks, around the world, toward business success and a good personality. I don't know whether it had any Spiritual or Moral impact. At this point, in American history, it is less important to "win friends" than it is to "influence people" to vote right and save this Republic (Gov. of Laws). If I fail in both those good attributes, I will suffer the lose of some friends, but keep my integrity, though, I may lose my Country to Socialism, Islam, Illegal Immigration or some other form of corrupt dictatorship. Which means, I would rather lose the friendship and goodwill of all of my friends and relatives than for all of us to lose the foundational principles upon which America is built, and therefore lose our Country to Socialism or some otherism. That price is too high to pay. From now on, I will not vote FOR the "LOTE" but AGAINST the "GOTE ". These two terms I can define, because they are mine. They mean "Lesser Of Two Evils" and "Greater Of Two Evils". I will cease to vote FOR the LOTE and begin to vote AGAINST the GOTE. Big switch huh ?

I will never again vote for someone simply because I admire some "one" attribute about them, including their "War Record", or because I dislike "one" thing about their opponent. Hitler had a good "war record" in WWl, but then created the worst war in human history, WWll. He was also a Socialist (NAZI =National Socialist Party) I would rather vote for an idiot than for an evil genius. At least the idiot couldn't destroy this country ... or is that what has already been happening ? If a Political Party wants my vote, they will have to be more astute in choosing candidates, and less political, and run descent All Americans, even if it is Garbage Collectors. Come to think of it, that may be exactly what this mess requires.

I will never again vote for someone because they have a "familiar name", or "sound good", or "look good", or "seem moral, or rich or poor, or speak well, or any other "outward appearance". "But the Lord said, ... Look not on his appearance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." 1Sam.16:7. Jim Jones had all those good "appearances of good attributes" but was, in fact, a thieving Socialist, Sexual Deviate, Biblical Heretic, mass suicide Frankenstein, and most surely Insane as well. It was "Appearances" which caused all of San Francisco to love him and vote for him ... for the longest time, but then the Devil unmasked himself and every body around him died.

I will never again vote for anyone simply because of their Party affiliation. All Political Parties, like churches, have a few devils in the crowd; some more than others, some many more, and some a majority probably. No, not probably: Nobody supporting Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Castro, or Kim Jong Il , or even a few U.S. politicians can possibly be a descent, moral person except, maybe, some totally ignorant few.

If a candidate is so terrible, so contemptible, so dishonest, so likely to destroy this once great nation, I WILL vote AGAINST them in prayer. I will seek the wisdom and leadership of Him who "Looketh on the heart" and pays little attention to "Outward appearances". Then, I will only vote as I feel He is leading me. If He does not lead me for the other candidate, I will not vote for either candidate. David prayed that the Lord would "reward" his enemies" .... "according to their deeds". Psm.28:4. God sought "a man after His own heart" and found David. 1Sam.13:14. So, I suppose David's prayer, in Psm.28:4, for his "wicked enemies," was in order. God may even lead Christians to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" a political party. There was once, in our country a Communist Party, a Nazi Party, and a Socialist Party. There may still be a Socialist Party, I don't know, but I think those people have mostly died or joined one of the other two major parties in America today. A few of them probably came to Christ, so I can't say they all joined the same party.

My prayer now, in these critical times, is that God will raise up one of the existing Parties to serve Him or a whole new Party which will. If He doesn't raise up some honest, preserve our freedoms, Constitutional, Conservative candidates, and God does not inspire me to vote, I will simply sit the elections out and pray for our nation and people. I will never vote for another part-time Patriot and part-time Socialist. And, don't give me this "seperation of church and state" nonsense. That wasn't true with our Founding Fathers. If a person's faith doesn't affect their politics, they are hypocrits.

George Soros, the biggest Democrat donor and billionaire supporter, is sitting this election out, financially at least, with this statement, "I don't believe in standing in the way of an avalanche". He said it this week. He obviously believes the Republicans will win big in November, but I suspect, he also is beginning to realize that no matter who controls Congress, nobody can stop this runaway, freight train, going down the mountain with it's load of TOXIC waste and Socialism. All of which originated in Washington D.C. and on Wall Street and in the corrupt minds of Politicians. Soros may even HOPE his party won't win so the other party will be blamed when the train derails the nation. So, take up the slack, be good Stewards, save your money, pray a lot, and be ready for tough times for several years.

Pass It On. R.B.

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