Nov 11, 2010

"Christian" A Litmus Test For Political Office ?

Common Sense Commentary: Jesus suggested that sometimes, the "unjustified" stewards of this world are "...wiser that the children of light". Lk.16:8.

My question is, should Christians use a "Christians Only" litmus test on candidates for political office ?

Judas was a "professing" Christian. Jim Jones was a "professing" Christian, as is Rev. Jerimiah Wright, Jimmy Carter and both Clintons . Tammy Faye and Jim Baker, and Jimmy Swagard "professed" Christ. Which of these would you campaign for as President or Senator ? Of that limited lot, I would simply choose the most Conservative ... if there is one.

The fact is, none of us can read another person's heart or sincerity or motives. We cannot say whether a person's profession of Christ is real or not. We can't "see" their faith and their outward appearance actions may be politically motivated to gain status and stay in power. What we can do, is look at each candidate's history, his or her past record not empty promises. We can study their voting record, where they stood on the issues in the past. Are they mentally, physically, emotionally capable of standing long and firmly against error, waste, corruption and terrorists ? Will they tell Americans the truth without giving away national secrets to our enemies ? Have they always been meeting the world with humility and strength. We can tell a great deal about them by who they choose as close friends and associates.

I would prefer a strong, Conservative Newt Gingrich with three marriages to a Liberal Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton with only one marriage. I would choose a Dennis Praeger, who is a wise, honest, strong, all American Jewish Conservative to a Baptist, Sunday School Teacher like Jimmy Carter.

I think we are going to have more upright, Conservative, Patriotic Candidates for political office in 2012 than we have had in years. I also think there will be more chameleon, deceptive, issue claim jumpers, and plain liars than we have ever had .... before the 2008 fiasco, of course. That election was a high water mark for voter ignor-ance, a willful blindness to the plain facts.

Yes, I would prefer a Christian, in high political office, but only if they were also Patriots, prepared, honest, humble, strong Conservatives who would surround themselves with other such men and women. That is my preference but being a "professed" Christian ONLY, is not. If I were choosing a mechanic, eye surgeon, pilot or investment advisor, I would want the very best, most informed, honest, experienced one available. I wouldn't choose a novice or a Christian who didn't know what they were doing.

Similarly, I would vote for a Black, Mexican, Jewish, one eyed Female convert to Mormonism who met my litmus test of "excellence and conservatism" ahead of any "professing" Christian who did not. There are more "professors" than "possessors". So, the answer to my original question above is, "NO we should not". And remember, I am a straight-laced, hard nosed, Bible believing, Fundamental, Baptist Preacher. So you see, all that Liberal propaganda about "Fundamentalists" is false. The "fundamentals" are simply the major Bible doctrines which are clearly established. A "Fundamentalist" simply believes a few things are "essential" if a person is a true Christian. So call me an "Essentialist" if you like. Just don't call me a Liberal on Jesus, God, His Spirit, His Bible, Creation, Salvation by grace not works, or Christ's Death and Resurrection . I cannot be other than Conservative concerning God's Holy Word. I believe it all.

Pass it on. RB

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