Nov 12, 2010

Hey, It's Consequence Time !!!

Common Sense Commentary: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Gal.6:7. "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."Ho.8:7.

God's law of sowing and reaping is inviolable. He set the standard in Genesis, that everything would bring forth "after it's own kind". The tiny seed has within itself eons of generations of exact duplicates of itself. Every plant and animal will bring forth "after it's own kind". Even the first man, Adam, was "created in the image and likeness of God" and the human race in the image and likeness of Adam. So it is with our words and actions. Sow truth, reap truth. Sow sin, reap the consequences of sin. Every sin has within itself the seed of it's own destruction.

America's people have followed the example of our government's reckless, extravagant spending for so long, we think it is normal and our right to spend more than we take in. Half the nation thinks a welfare check and food stamps are an inherited right of passage. Their parents owned it; their grandparents owned it. It's theirs as much as a salary is to those dumb people who hold a job and they will riot if that government check doesn't come in, and it better be on time. It doesn't stop there. We have all benefited materially in some or many ways in the U.S climate of "free stuff". Free food, free money, free medical care, free schools, free parks, free highways, free a thousand things. So the result was predictable. It's Consequence Time !!

Outrageously, out of control spending by our credit card addicted people , our 'free stuff" culture, and our greedy, power hungry, dumb politicians have left our ship of state, a rusted, rotting, hulk sinking with a quadrillion spouting holes. Our once proud, ship of state, conservative country, leader of the free world, model of freedom has been attended by a drunken, negligent, overpaid crew of idiots and misfits. We voted them in, let them set all the terms of their own lavish benefits. They promised utopia but have run our titanic country into an immovable, monetary iceberg in the middle of a sea of sharks, with no lifeboats !!! Makes a preacher want to say "dangit". We should have voted the windbags out back when the wind was just a little Texas Dust Devil named Lyndon. We sowed that windbag and reaped a whirlwind and the whirlwind a hurricane and now a tsunami.

"Quantitative Easing" (what a lying word) has a momentum factor. When carried to infinity (borrowing money to pay debts), as seems the Fed policy, it results in diminishing dollar values. Our dollars go down, down, down to the finite, where dollars still look the same but are worth a penny. Farther down, a dollar will buy a grain of rice. This was what happened to the German Weimar Republic when Moms pushed wheelbarrows full of fiat currency to market to buy a loaf of bread. Quantitative Easing is another way of saying, rev up the printing presses so we can suffocate this monetary fire with a flood of new paper dollars. You know, a spark often dies on it's own. A flame is easily extinguished with a cup of water or sand. Trash fires can be doused with a garden hose. Even an out of control grass fire can be extinguished by dialing 911 early on .... but what we have here is a full blown Dresden, Germany Fire Storm that feeds on itself by creating it's own wind and metal melting heat. Such a fire cannot be controlled but must burn itself out until everything is ashes and rubble.

Nothing is impossible with God .... but why should He "bail us out", considering our national unfaithfulness to Him? No, "For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap " Yes, it's consequence time ! Human nature doesn't learn lessons quickly. It took time to get here and it will take time to get back to solvency, sanity and the American Dream.You know it's bad when Mexicans go back to Mexico to find work. How can we pay a nearly sixty trillion dollar debt and federal commitments, in a lifetime ? America is addicted to spending and free stuff and can't break the habit easily; but pain, hardship and desperation will work it's perfect work. "Tribulation worketh perseverance". You can endure it and come through it. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phil.4:13.

The national debt is beyond huge. We cannot even pay the interest or sell enough new bonds to pay our bills. So our Federal Reserve simply prints trillions of new fiat dollars to buy our bonds from ourselves... It's Alice in wonder land stuff. It is exactly like the college student who received his new, low limit, credit card in the mail, spent it to the max, applied for another from a different company, spent it to the max, over and over and over until he had ten or twelve credit cards all empty of money and full of debt. When nobody else would loan him money or issue him another card, he just went to the college print shop at night and started reproducing (counterfeit) "fiat" hundred dollar bills. That's like counterfeiting counterfeit dollars. That was logical in his little brain but Master Card smelled a rat before they even opened the cash stuffed envelope. He's in jail now where our Federal Reserve and Political accomplices, to their crime, should be. We cannot spend our way to prosperity or borrow our way to solvency as is and has been their adolescent policy.

At this point, neither Democrats nor Republicans can wave a magic wand and miraculously pay off the national debt .... at least with good money. They can print up a few trillion of "worth a nickel each" dollars, that still says "One Dollar" on both sides, and pay those poor bond holders with weak, worthless dollars that say "In God we trust". They call that "Inflating away our debt" or "Monetising our debt" or "Quantitative Easing" .... all of which mean robbing the loaners (donors) and American dollar savers. We are monetarily terminal unless we either default on the debt or debase the currency . Either way, we ruin our reputation and credit rating with decades of repercussion Consequences. To "Default" is simply reneging on our promise to repay. To "Debase" is to print shiploads of fiat, worthless dollars and repay our legitimate debt with illegitimate paper. That will make them love us again.

Inflation has already eaten up most of the buying power of our paper dollars. Fifty years ago, a "solid silver" dollar would buy a good meal for three people. When our children were all under ten (in age not number), I once bought breakfast for all seven (less Kaye) of us for $1.52. Today, $1.52 won't buy a cup of coffee in most restaurants. What has changed ? Why is a dollar bill so anemic ? Consider this: A real "silver" dime is now worth $3.00 and 3 of today's dollars are worth one silver dime and will only buy what that dime would buy 50 years ago or today. The real value of silver isn't going up; the value of paper dollars is going down. For our government to say the CPI (inflation) rate is 2% is a political fabrication ...which is to say, false ... which is to say, a lie. Like bedbugs in New York City, lies flourish and breed promiscuously in our Hallowed Halls Of Justice .... D.C.
"How shall I pardon thee for this ? thy children have forsaken me ... when I fed them to the full, they then ....assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses." Jer.5:7

Our national debt and commitments have grown too large and gone too far down the slippery slope of monetary excess to stop the slide. It must hit bottom now, before we can begin to pick up the pieces and rebuild our country. Goldman Sachs Chief Economist, Jan Hatzius, says it will take $4 trillion more in "asset purchases"" to turn our free fall around. How do you DO that. Last week, his friends over at the Fed said it would take "another $400 Billion or just a tenth of Hatzius' guesstimate and that doesn't touch all the federal debt, commitments, retirements etc. Neither bit of propaganda is correct if we owe upward of a sixty trillion dollars. Our Liberal leaders have chosen to Soothe us Titanic passengers by calmly telling us that "more lifeboats are in the bilges", and "the water is warm around icebergs", "Don't worry, be happy ... things are getting better".

God is good and Christians were praying .... but the Titanic sank anyway .... Christians and all. In the long term, no one can depend on anything .... except God. I recommend that we all get to know Him better; for no matter what the future holds, we all know life is fleeting and our turn will come when only Jesus Christ can deliver us safely home .... as He always has .... and always will.

Pass it on . RB

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