Jul 30, 2012

Cuba Searching For It's National Soul

Common Sense Commentary:   "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision ." Joel 3:14.  In this 2000th   Millennium (plus 12 years) since Christ, Cuba ... and the entire world is searching for national identity.  Like no other time in history, the whole world is in flux. Time and technology seem to be dragging us into the future at warp speed. Suddenly, everything is changing and everyone on earth is seeing it happen before our very eyes. World events are scrambling nations and continents and people together with their religions, politics, traditions and livelihood.  Cuba is a small microcosm or example of what is a
pseudo "new age, globalization, world order, and uniting of nations".  Literally everything is changing .... morals, politics, religion, education, technology, science, logistics, demographics .... people.  Everything but God and the faith of a few.

It has never been more important for those few, God's people, true believers, to seek God's "purpose" in their lives, find it, do it, and don't quit or give up ... ever.  If we are to have the courage, faith and determination to walk with Christ, we must never forget that "... we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Rom.8:28).  "Good" primarily means long term outcome, not necessarily today.  By "long term", I mean  in the future, maybe tomorrow, next year, 20 years, a life-time or possibly not until judgement day. But, it is certain that "all things" whether crisis, sickness, persecution, loss or the opposite of those negatives, will eventually be proven to have benefited those who truly "love God" and "who are the called according to his purpose."  But it is according to HIS purpose not ours.  We may not know why some things happen to us but His word reassures us that, "...Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory". 2Cor.4:17.
When I look back on my own life, it is clear to me that everything that ever happened to me has worked together for my "good" already, or in a very few of those things will, I am certain, in time or eternity.  The most difficult experiences in my life, now appear to me to be the stepping stones of progress and growth on my life's journey.

I'm sure that we all have heard repeated Rahm Emanuel's (Obama's Chief Of Staff, now Mayor of Chicago) statement ... "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste".    Conservatives have jumped on that statement.  He explained his meaning... "And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."  I am not critical of what he said because it is true.  The problem with what he said is, his idea of "doing things you could not do before" is the same as Obama's.  My point is, in these times of "serious crisis" and "change", someone or some group will affect the direction their city, state and nation turns. Some one or some group will determine which way the United States will turn.  This moment in our country is a pivot point of change.  All nations are about to enter a time of radical change.  If the America we love is to turn in a right, new direction, it is up to us Christians to be that influence.... if America ever turns back to God.  This will not be the case if you and I are not seeking God's "purpose" in prayer and by our spiritual actions.

What is happening in Cuba is actually happening all over the earth.  The writer of the following two paragraphs examines the sensitive teeter tottering of Cuba's heart, identity or soul and which way it will turn at this critical moment in it's history. Christians could very well be the deciding factor in Cuba and in the U.S.  If we will.

The following is a two paragraph excerpt from World Net Daily

Cuba searches for national soul

No longer controlled by global 'sugar daddies,' island enters '21st century identity crisis'

Jaime Ortega, the well-known Catholic cardinal towering over the Church in Havana, is a key figure holding Cuban society together and moving it forward into a new paradigm. He has access to top leaders in Cuba, including el jefe Raul Castro. But only one in 20 Cuban Catholics is an ardent churchgoer who uses the Bible as a guide to life. Many are social or cultural Christians for the purposes of establishing a social identity or celebrating various festivals. There are Cubans who see all religion as merely “guilt with different holidays.” Still, Cuban Catholics are a potent force because roughly 66 percent of Cubans have been formally and ritually baptized into the Church. Events in Poland under Solidarity have not been lost on Cuba’s elites, nor has the role of evangelical Christians in overthrowing and efficiently executing Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania. Cuba’s top leaders understand Christians are difficult to control because of their long-term view of eternity, a willingness to die for something greater than themselves, disdain for worshiping the state, adherence to the sanctity of life as well as opposition to abortion, drugs and other vices that cause various addictions and enslavement and destroy both human and spiritual potential. In the past, Christians in Cuba could be sent to camps – but no longer.

If change does come to Cuba – political, economic, moral, spiritual, technological – the Catholic and evangelical churches will provide key linkages comforting Cuba’s communist elites that such change is to be embraced and not feared, and that there will be a place for them in “The New Cuba” free of recrimination, blame and demonization. The Cuban Communist Party itself is the battleground where this war will be fought and won or lost for the sake of ordinary Cubans. 

Verses of assurance and challenge:

"And he (God) said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is make perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmitives, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2Cor.12:9. 

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. But rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings." 1 Pet.4:12.

"...These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and have made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Rev.7:13-14.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Rev.21:4.  Amen, RB

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