Jul 28, 2012

Democrat, Republican, Independent. Why The Difference

Common Sense Commentary: What caused the vast difference in the large U.S. cities?
Why is the northern U.S. mostly Liberal, while the south is more Conservative?  Why is the left coast more Liberal than the east coast? Why are nations, cities and people so uniquely different .... especially politically and religiously?  In my opinion, the difference is inherited genes/DNA and their environment, as influenced by their families and local history, but mostly their personal choices based on the way they  believe and think. 

Like the human brain, every nation and family seems to have two, somewhat opposite, hemispheres, left and right.  One side is more rational, logical, and analytical in it's conclusions and decisions.  The other side is more visual, intuitive and random in it's conclusions and decisions. But, of course, some brains, countries and families are more or less balanced between the two, left and right.

To understand who or what is which, one must also consider the optional factors of outside influence.  In a person, those would be family, friends, church, teachers, city, nation and, of course, God and Satan; From whom a person freely accepts or rejects influence. 

The varying influential quotient of a city, state or nation would depend on the founders and general historical and moral environment of the place.  Is it farm-country, sea-coast, desert, a large city or small?  is it a politically corrupt city or state?  Chicago has a history of corruption.  Al Capone, one man, had a grip on the politics and police there, and left it with a tendency to corruption which still exists today.  it was known as, "The city Billy Sunday could not shut down" (1862-1935). In the final analysis, it is what the majority of the people there accepted.

Other differences of historical influence exist in every other large city in the world; and in every country, for that matter.  Our Christian, founding fathers and the Constitution they devised had immense influence on America for 200 years and remnants of freedom and Christianity still survive today.  But all nations rise and eventually fall. Again, in the final analysis, it is what the majority of the people here accept.

 It was mostly emigrants who settled New York.  Mostly independent, self reliant types settled Texas.  Bugsy Segal's influence is stamped on Las Vegas and so on.

All of the above is in general and my opinion.  Only God is absolute.  We change but God remains the same. "....Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever."
Our Constitution and Freedoms are hanging by a thread today.  A few votes to the left or right, in November, will determine the destiny of America. Will God deliver us?  Not if God's people do not turn to Him and do all in their power to make the difference. RB

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