Sep 28, 2012

ISRAEL: Land Bridge Between Europe, Asia, Africa

Common Sense Commentary: The whole world has an opinion about the tiny country of Israel.  Few of those opinions are anywhere near right.  Most of the world has an unfavorable bias against Jews for reasons they themselves cannot justify with facts. As one Jewish elder explained to a Christian tourist who asked him, "Don't you feel blessed to be one of the chosen people of God?".... "It is a blessing and a curse", He said.  "What do you mean by that?" asked the tourist.  "It is a blessing that God loves us, but it is a curse that the world hates us."  That is exactly true.  Even as Jacob's (Israel's) sons hated their brother Joseph... because their father so loved him.  Their envy caused them to want to kill him but they sold him into slavery instead, and even as a slave in Egypt, he assended to the pinnical of power, prestige and wealth... because God loved him too... but the world kept on hating all of those Jews.  Why? Why have almost all nations persecuted them out of fear, envy or blind hatred?   Nazis hated them for crucifying Christ ... but they didn't do the crucifying.  A Roman Court condemned Him, knowing He was innocent. Roman soldiers, the ancestors of Hitler and his co-conspiritor, Mussolini drove the Roman nails with a Roman hammer through Jesus' Jewish hands into a Roman Cross.  It wasn't Jews who drove those nails, though it was their religious leaders who brought false charges against Jesus and wanted to kill Him themselves and were glad to see it done. You know it is true.  There is a perpetual, unexplainable, world-wide bias against Jews.  Why not Germans, Italians or French? Even many who say they are Christians and love Jesus, hate Jews ... but Jesus was a Jew too.

The only explaination that rings true to me is, the world hates them because God loves them and sent his Son, Jesus, to be born of a Jewish woman, raised by her and her Jewish husband, with Jewish relatives and neighbors in a Jewish country, Israel, with Jewish customs and the Jewish Bible full of Jewish prophets, history, and Jewish religion.  So let's be honest.  The world hates Jews because Jesus was a Jew and true Christians because our Christian roots are Jewish.

Here is a wonderful video of modern day Israel.  Pray for Jerusalem and the Jews. Israel is tiny; the size of a bear's eye but surrounded by the huge bear.  Six million Jews surrounded by over a thousand million muslims ... all who hate them. You say, "Not all" ?  OK, so there are three who don't.

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