Sep 29, 2012

Power To Control Money Is Power To Control The World

Common Sense Commentary:  " For the love of money is the root of all evil...."
1 Tim.6:10.  Money is the primary tool with which Anti-Christ will control the world.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank Of International Settlements (BIS), The
World Bank, and most National Central Banks (especially the U.S. Federal Reserve)
control money, in all it's forms ... paper currency, digital transfers, stock exchanges, the IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and Silver and Gold prices.  They do not see money, however, as ordinary people see it ... as wealth, security, pride or a means of exchange for their needs, luxuries and investments.  Instead, these World Money Managers (WMM), I will call them, see money, which represents the time, talent and labor (lives) of every wage earner on earth, as "POWER" over people and their time, talent and labor and therefore over nations and events.  This they do by use of inflation, deflation, war, peace, funding their friends and buying co-operation. Controlling these, gives the WMMs POWER to manipulate and leverage the flow of our lives, industry and international relations in the desired direction of these "Central Planners".  Their plan is, a "New World Order" to bring all human beings to equality in all things ... living standard, health care, proper food, self image, security, education, retirement, no theft, no crime, no gun rights, no murder, no sickness and no war. A perfect world gauranteed by  one world law and one world government. These institutionalized, world powers are continuously maneuvering the masses of people and nations toward that ideal of every religion on earth; the mythological Olympus, the Viking Valhalla, the Hindu and Buddhist Nirvana, the Muslim Falak al aflak, the Jewish Paradise and the Christian Heaven.  This common, if dissimilar, doctrine of practically every religion on earth will be promised and protected by the "New World Order" with the enthusiastic support of all these religions (not true Christians) which will form a one world church ... under the Anti-Christ and False Prophet. This is the reason the  WMMs are funding all the poorer nations and bringing them into line to be part of the "New World Order" with equal voting rights for their hundreds of millions of deprived human beings ... anxious to be part of the great balancing of equality in a Hopeful, New, Changed, World .  This is why the WMMs favor Africa, Asia and the Muslim nations .... votes and support or at least acquiescence of a huge majority of Earth's people. 

It is my considered opinion that the present financial, economic crisis, affecting the entire world, is by design not incidental or accidental.  It is entirely too extensive, wickedly consistent and effective in softening up world populations and nations for hope and change.  Events will become so fearful that the vast majority of the world's people and nations will demand a global  government with all those wonderful benefits mentioned above. 

Whether knowingly intended or unintended, the eventual out-come of this "New World Order" is not perfection but tribulation under the Kingdom of Anti-Christ, the Beast and False Prophet ... which is set up for a fall.  This is not fatalism.  It is destined as foreseen and fulfilled prophecy.  Read Ezekiel, Daniel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Timothy 4, 2 Timothy 3, 1 Thess. 4 and the Revelation.

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