Dec 12, 2012

Are You Intolerant Of Intolerance

Common Sense Commentary: And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Rom.2:3.

Tolerance is a two way street.  For one to insist on others being tolerant of his perverted peculiarities or intolerant actions or words, opens himself up to the consistent requirement that he also be tolerant of their intolerance.

It's rather like social, moral, political and religious Liberals hating those they suspect of hating.  They hate other people's "supposed" hatred. It all depends on which variety of hate they defend and which they condemn. In their minds, there must be a priority list of justified and unjustified hatred or they just don't even recognize the contradiction of it. If they even "imagine" you  hate ethnic groups, Socialists or the things they love, they hate you .... even if you don't hate anybody, but just won't vote for a socialist or you tell the truth they don't want to hear.  Their thought process seems to jump to the conclusion that if you disagree with them, on any point, you are their enemy and they brand you a racist, homophobic, anti-clean air, want to starve helpless children or push grandma off a cliff.  Their own deep intolerance and hatred never seems to occur to them.  A just person can live next to, and be tolerant of another person who has terrible habits or perversions, without either approving of their faults or hating them.  God does not hate sinners. He hates sin, but loves the soul of us sinner and wants us to repent and become believers in Him and His Son Jesus Christ. RB

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm intolerant....cause I'm about out of tolerance for these so called spewers of "tolerance". That's probably my cue to pray for these idiots. Sorry Lord...I mean these misguided folks.


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