Dec 12, 2012

This Necessary Evil Eventually Terminates Itself

Common Sense Commentary:   Human Government was established by God as a human, societal instrument for the physical protection of the human race. Like the family, a father, mother and children, government was established for the welfare of all those created in God's image and likeness, not just believers in Him.  Neither the family nor the government are spiritual institutions, as is His church, unless a particular family is a believing one, and even then, all it's members are not necessarily sincere believers as is also true of the physical church.  A "Christian home" is seldom "all" Christian and "Christian America" is not and never has been "all" Christian. In fact, at present, America is not even a majority Christian.  Secularism has taken control of our government, our institutions and our National character.

Originally, there was just one law for humans, "Thou shalt not eat of it." Gen.2:17. The penalty for violation of that one law, the law of obedience,  was that the human body began to die on that very day or original sin, plus, hard labor for survival, and pain in child birth began, as well. 

Immediately after the flood,  God instituted Civil Law, Civil Government for the whole human race, in Genesis 9:1-6. "And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..... And surely your blood of your lives will I require.... at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man."  The purpose of Civil Government was for the physical protection of all people from each other.  God put the responsibility for this "protection of life and execution of justice" into the hands of society as a whole, not the church or individuals seeking revenge, but we are all, as a race, responsible to see that justice is done and life is protected for everyone.  This charge, from the Creator of Life and Justice, includes all those little people still in the womb... and they are people. 

Since the vast majority of all peoples and nations, though they may have some kind of religion, are not followers of Christ, Civil Law is enforced, judged and executed by mostly unredeemed people. Therefore, the natural and eventual direction of law, it's enforcement, and of nations, is down.  According to the second law of thermodynamics, everything eventually  runs down.  As water seeks it's own level, nations and law have a beginning, an intermediary time and an ending.  Every government is headed toward the junk heap of previous nations and kingdoms.

When Jesus said, in Matt.16:18,"...Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it", He was speaking of  that eternal body of true believers, not all church members, who presently meet in local assemblies and will one day make up the Bride Of Christ, a Universal Church.  That institution shall not run down because it is the eternal Bride of Christ.

There has been conflict between Government and worshipers of God ever since Government was established because it is mostly populated by average, human, non-worshipers.  That conflict continued and even increased with the arrival of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem where Government immediately sought to kill him and harassed Him all through his life on earth, and finally crucified him, and extended to His disciples up to this very day, with increasing, intolerant momentum.  Fortunately, our nation began with Christian worshipers seeking freedom from abusive government, and their influence set America on a course of freedom, justice and success which lasted until recent years when it reached a point of equilibrium between justice and injustice and swung on past that balance of power into chaos. It has now entered it's terminal years, which may last decades, but with the loss of justice and diminishing Christian influence, it is destined to spiritual termination if there is not a spiritual revival.

At any rate, we Christians are here to faithfully serve our LORD through good times and bad until we are called home or He returns in the air to rapture His true church, His Bride. Oh glorious day. RB

Final note of irony:
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is actually proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, tells us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is that the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves. Thus concludes today's lesson in irony"

Click here: The Soul of America video by Dr. Lawrence White

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