Dec 29, 2012

Fiscal Cliff? Oh Yes, A Remedy For The Past

Common Sense Commentary:

Today the Wall Street Journal reported, concerning our politicians' finest creation, the pseudo, financial cliff, that our esteemed president just mused that, The nation "can't afford a politically self-inflicted wound to our economy. Congress can prevent it from happening, if they act now."

The fact is, the "wounded" patient, Uncle Sam, has long since suffered that "self inflicted wound", and has been in the Intensive Care Unit for several years suffering further damage by those in charge, by their injections of experimental drugs... with constant reports of fictitious "improvement". The same "expert" nephews who put that gun in Uncle Sam's feeble, senile hands, back when, are the doctors claiming to now have the cure for Uncle's terminal illness... if only his rational relatives will agree to this new miracle medicine called ... "Silverbullet para el cranium".

To say, "congress can prevent it from happening" if they "act now" is like telling the mortician, after the evacuation of Uncle's corpse of old, dead blood, that if he will "act now", and pump in some of that new, old blood, left over from the hospital, Uncle will come alive.  There are some words for what the president said....

The meat market butcher calls it.... baloney.

The church nursery keeper calls it .... twiddle twaddle.

In Iraq its known as.... ancient Babel.

The Red Light District calls it ... claptrap.

Master plumbers call it .... drivel.

The Irish call it .... malarkey.

A pig farmer calls it .... hog-wash.

Circus clowns call it .... mumbo-jumbo.

Professional equestrians call it ... horse feathers.

Flower gardeners call it .... poppycock.

An old sailor man calls it .... bilge.

Anti-magicians call it hocus-pocus.

This old West Texan calls it ... hot air. RB

1 comment:

  1. Another Texas saying would equal a 2500 pound longhorn..."that's a lot of bull"


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