Dec 30, 2012

Waiting For Redemption In The Devil's Pawn Shop

Common Sense Commentary: "...Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation..." Rev.5:9.

The older I get, and the more I see of this old world, the greater God's grace appears to me, and the more I realize the whole world deserves to be cast into a hopeless hell.  Spiritual blindness is pervasive ... "the blind lead the blind." Matt.25:14.  Wickedness is to the bone. The idea of repentance is an unthinkable insult to our national "sophistication". There is nothing so holy as to be beyond the comedian's vile humor; nothing so righteous as to escape public contempt.  Sin is so rampant, bloodthirsty and cruel, it calls to mind the hounds of the Baskervilles baying through the darkened hills in pursuit of a desperate, lost soul.  It is as if we are all standing on the crumbling edge of time ... looking into the eternal flames ... with a sneer.  This world is a hopeless, derelict, pawn under lock and key control of  Satan ... Except for Jesus Christ bearing our sins to the cross, dying there in our guilty place, and rising from the dead to completely redeem us from the Devil's Pawn Shop.  It is to him the world has sold it's eternal soul for one more brief moment of pleasure.  And yet, the world rejects Christ's redemption with a snarl.  Is there any good thing Satan has not lied about?  No!  Jesus said, "...There is no truth in him ... for he is a liar, and the father of it."  John 8:44.

If you have any concern at all, for your eternal destiny, you are not beyond hope. RB

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