Dec 31, 2012

Pray First And Then Think Your Way Through

Common Sense Commentary: Everyone has a labyrinth problem from time to time. A labyrinth is a maze of intricate complexity.  Many problems in our technological world fit that description .... this action hinges on that action and that on another and another and another.  Its like the "links" in a chain, but each link is unique and dependent on the ones leading from it ... in all directions.  Sometimes things get so complicated and frustrating that your head spins a 360, and you just give up on understanding or solving the problem.  Every direction you go on a computer, you end up in a labyrinth of choices, endless tunnels, blind allies and complicated choices.  I have googled words that had hundreds of thousands of references.  I'm too old for that ... but you will never get where you want to go, or learn what you want to know, if you quit trying: Getting through school or college, learning a new job, nine months of pregnancy, an unhappy marriage, the devastation of divorce, stolen identity, settling and estate, old age complications, surviving a death, or a burn out and many other complex problems.

That's why I said, "Pray first and then think your way through life." Thought is next in power to prayer.  We have to think with an open mind and follow through ... like in boxing ... You don't punch AT the target; you punch through the target. Don't think AT the problem, think through it.  Don't be stopped by shadows, smoke and mirrors or impossibilities.  Those things are all illusions and are usually the same thing... strain on the brain. Almost nothing is impossible ... unless you quit. Do what needs to be done without regard for the illusion of "impossible", unless God says it can't be done.  If it needs to be done, there is a way.  "All things are possible to him that believeth." Mk.9:23. How is that possible?  "...With God all things are possible."  Matt.19:26. RB

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