Mar 24, 2013

Jesus Only Cult Casts Doubt On Entire Bible

Common Sense Commentary: There is a certain cult which professes to believe nothing in the Bible but the very words of Jesus... only. There are other cults which believe only the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, the books of Moses. There are other cults which believe only the New Testiment or only the Old Testiment. The "Jesus Only" cult which calls itself "Apostolic", doesn't even believe what the Apostles wrote. The word "Apostle" means a "Special Messenger Sent", but these who call themselves "Apostolic" do not accept the message of Jesus' twelve "Special Messengers Sent", the Apostles, whose names are written on the twelve foundations of heaven (Rev.21:14).   They must be special enough to have delivered God's message to the world. Since the "Jesus Only" cult believes the Apostle John's quotes of Jesus, I must assume they also believe the other four books he wrote, including the above verse in "The Revelation Of Jesus Christ".  It would be inconsistent not to.

Matthew, Mark and Luke all record the very words of Jesus, to His Apostles, that if anyone rejects them and their message, that they are to "shake the dust of that place off of their feet" and it will "be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement, than for that city." It's in Matt.10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5. Then the  Apostles did exactly that in Acts 13:51. They were indeed "Special Messengers Sent" by Jesus.

The New Testiment, after the four gospels, began with The Acts (Actions) of the Apostles, Christ's "Special Messengers Sent". The rest of the books of the New Testament, all inspired by God, were written by the Apostles and certain other chosen disciples such as Luke who wrote more volume in two books, Luke and Acts, than even  the Apostle Paul, who wrote the most number of different books.  They all followed the example, teachings, mission and message which Jesus had called them to deliver. God inspired the Apostle Paul to write 2 Tim.3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness..." He also inspired Apostle John, who wrote five books in the N.T., to write, in the last verses of the last chapter of the last book in the Bible, as a final warning, "And if any man shall take away from the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part our of the book of life...." Rev.22:19. SERIOUS BUSINESS.

If you believe the Gospel according to Mark, he was Apostle Paul's helper not his superior, in Paul's Apostolic ministry, and he trusted Paul.  Why do you believe Mark's quotes of Jesus but do not believe Paul's inspired words from God? "Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry." 2Tim.4:11.

Now, if you say you believe only the very words of Jesus, as recorded in the four gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and you trust what they "say" Jesus said, why do you not believe the other four books John wrote or the book of Acts, which Luke also wrote? And if you trust Luke, he trusted the Apostle Paul and was Paul's protegee and physician (2Tim.4:11). Paul said, "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." 1 Cor.11:1. Luke did exactly that. He followed and ministered to the Apostle and recorded his actions in the book of Acts. Yes, he was following Jesus, but Paul was Luke's immediate leader who was, himself following Jesus. Almost everyone has a leader, boss, teacher or friend they follow as they also follow Jesus. You too.

If you do, indeed, trust what Luke says that Jesus said, he also trusted the other Apostles, including Paul, and recorded that the Holy Spirit told the church in Antioch to "Seperate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them." Acts 13:2.  Either it happened or it didn't, but if it didn't, then Luke was a liar and not to be trusted ... and you have no reason to believe anything else he said or that is in the Bible. One falsehood in the Bible would cast it all into question and there would be no faith because, ".... faith cometh by hearing... the word of God." Rom.10:17. 

If you "Jesus Only" people do not believe the entire Bible, you do not truly believe any of it. It is one thing, one whole, composed by Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. Believe it all or at least be honest and confess you are not sure about any of it since you don't believe most of it. It is similar to the "all or nothing" principle James gave concerning the ten commandments of the law, in James 2:10-11.  There, James, half brother to Jesus,  explained that if a person keeps the whole Law and all of the Commands except one, he is guilty of breaking them all because the Ten Commandments are, in fact, one thing. Break any part of it and you have broken IT. That is why salvation is of grace alone. We all are breakers of the Law of God..... sinners. Only Jesus kept the whole Law and was therefore worthy to give His life for ours to save us from our violations of God's Law. The Bible is also ONE thing. You can't truly believe any of it unless you believe all of it. If one verse is wrong, you can't be sure any verse is right. RB

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Be honest with yourself....all or none....the Bible ain't a candy store, a flower shop or a Hallmark store where you pick your's a package deal. And oh what an amazing package it is!!
    Now, sing "Amazing Grace" to yourself. A sweeter sound and truth cannot be found.


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