Mar 23, 2013

The Left And Right Wings Of Our American Eagle

Common Sense Commentary: The American population is
generally composed of a left wing and a right wing. I suppose
there is a place for both since both exist and are involved in
deciding the way we will go as a nation. Right now the right
wing is doing most of the flapping and the left wing most of
the squawking.


Liberals Fly with the left wing by the seat of their pants.
Conservatives Fly with the right wing by the instruments.

Liberals are Motivated primarily by emotions.             
Conservatives are Motivated primarily by logic.

Liberals Operate on imagination, empathy and hope.
Conservatives Operate on reality,  reason and practicality.

Liberals Trust in collectivism with big government control by
Socialism, Nazism, and Fascism.
Conservatives Trust in individualism with limited government
of freedom, free enterprise and Constitutionalism.

Liberals Believe in government  social planning as the ideal.                                                 
Conservatives Believe in reaping what you sow as the ideal.

All children and most women are politically Liberal and vote for
free stuff.
Most men are politically Conservative and vote for paying your own way and individual responsibility.

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