Mar 17, 2013

"...Let God be true, but every man a liar...." Rom.3:4

Common Sense Commentary:  "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1Jn.4:1. 
It is true that few people or businesses, in today's high pressure, everything goes   atmosphere, can truly be trusted ... without verification and confirmation. Personal experience has verified and confirmed the truth of this fact.  However, not everyone on earth is a liar or a thief, and he who trusts nothing and nobody ... is himself.... not to be trusted.

Nobody on earth is always right, but it could be true that there are some who are nearly  always wrong. The ACLU comes to mind. If you believe that you are probably the single exception, and are  always right, you are wrong again.  He who has that narcissistic fantasy is the worst wrong of all, and his every thought, word and action  are tainted by this error. He is therefore, it would appear, nearly always somewhat wrong and almost never exactly right.  It is a case of out of focus, blurred spiritual vision.

The strangest phenomena of all are  those who believe everything their chosen leader says or writes... though he be an infamous liar and self-absorbed narcissist who has never told a precise, exact truth, that could be proven,  and still gains a large following of loyal, defensive "believers".  That is some kind of insane, spiritual perversion.

Abe Lincoln had evidently met some of all kinds when he said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." Take note .... you to whom it applies, leader or follower. 

My advice is that you double check every politician, preacher, parent, friend, myself and everyone else's word, against the word of God, and blindly follow no man. Only God Himself is always right and never wrong. Every human being is faulty. RB
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." 1Jn.4:1. 


  1. The Bible is TRUTH, a perfect compass for all of life's storms. All answers can be found within. A LIVING book God breathed and written by men who loved and obeyed Him.

  2. The Bible is TRUTH, a perfect compass for all of life's storms. All answers can be found within. A LIVING book God breathed and written by men who loved and obeyed Him.


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