Mar 18, 2013

Special Notice To My Readers, Friends And Family

Common Sense Commentary:

A new, Chosin Reservoir Battle Documentary

Entitled Ultimate Warfare: One Way Out

Premier airing on the Military Channel

...........Tuesday, Mar.26 (next week)...........

....10:00 pm Eastern/ 9:00 pm Central.....
Jim Hoch says it is also on 3 hrs. later

A Definitive. life changing experience for

....12,000 Marines, Including my own....

It was a 3 week battle, 70 miles into the

frozen mountains of North Korea near

Manchuria/China in -30 degree (below 0)

temperature in Nov. / Dec. of 1950.

Of 12,000 Marines, we had 3000+ killed,

6000+ wounded and 100% with frostbite.

In that one battle we killed 30,000+ and

double that wounded of the Chinese

Communist, enemy Soldiers... in 3 weeks.

My own account of my friend Jim Story's

death, in Hell Fire Valley, is included

in this documentary of the Battle of Chosin .

If you have an interest, you can google "Battle
of Chosin Reservoir" before the documentary
to better understand what it is all about. RB

1 comment:

  1. We have not forgotten the brave men who endured this horror.

    Joe B. Hewitt


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