May 14, 2013

God Is My Governor

Common Sense Commentary:"God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.  That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.  O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth.Psm.67:1-4. God gives us "mercy", "blessings", guides us in "His way", gives us "saving health", "praise", "a song",
"judges" us and "Governs" us. He is the Christian's Governor. He is my Governor.

The word "Govern" is from the Latin "gubernare" and means "to steer, to exercise continuous, supreme authority over. A Commandant and CEO" according to Webster. His next definition doesn't seem to apply here, but I think it does... in a way.  It is this..."An automatic attachment controlling speed, pressure or temperature." Well, the Holy Spirit is more than an "attachment" but He is definitely attached to Christians. He certainly warns, convicts and governs our thoughts, words and actions or makes us  wish we had yielded to Him.  The Holy Spirit deals with the Christian all of the time.  He is a person, not a devise, but He constrains, comforts and convinces us of sin (the evil of it), righteousness (the need for it), and judgement (the certainty of it) even as a governing devise controls speed, pressure or temperature.  Jesus promised, "And when he (the Holy Spirit) is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment." Jn.16:8.  He has surely been actively doing that work in my life ever since I was saved and has often had to deal harshly with me to get my attention.  This is God's way of guiding our lives into His "way" and keeping us on the right road, but not too slow or fast or reckless. There is no verse in the Bible where Jesus ran or even rushed to fill a need, no matter how serious.  Lazarus is a case in point.  Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were very close to Jesus.  He stayed with them on occasion.  Lazarus became deathly ill and his sisters sent for Jesus.  Jesus got the message but remained where He was for two more days, until Lazarus died and was buried.  Only then did Jesus tell his disciples that Lazarus was now dead so they would go to him ... not for his funeral, he was already in his grave, but, "for the glory of God", He said.  They seemingly took their time because when they arrived, Lazarus had been in the grave for four days.  Martha, in effect, said, Lord where have you been?  Her actual words were, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."  She had sent a messenger to get Jesus but he returned without Him, so Mary and Martha knew where Jesus was and how long it should take Him to get there, but He didn't rush to Lazarus to heal him. Why?  Jesus has His own purpose in all of their lives.  He wanted to raise Lazarus from the grave, and waited so everyone would be sure Lazarus was, indeed, dead and buried for four days. Jesus wanted to strengthen their faith.  Read it in John 11:1-46. He does the same in our lives.

There are, of course, certain times when haste is required.  We may not always know when haste is needed, but God does.  He is our Governor and He knows exactly how to impress upon us the urgency of a matter.  But almost every time my "type A" accelerator hits the floor-board, I forget something, break something, lock myself out of my car or home, or otherwise make the problem worse.  It nearly always pays to stop, think, pray, make a plan and be sure the garage door is not down when you back out.  In other words, wait for God. Many a person has been killed on their way to the hospital to see after an injured or sick loved one, or rushing to an appointment .... late.  God is your Governor.  don't let your fear or emotions take control, from God, over your life.  In an emergency, like a traffic accident, listen to the Holy spirit and don't run out into on-coming traffic or stand by your car in the highway.

Yes, God is my Governor. He leads, rebukes, inspires, teaches, encourages, comforts, heals, strengthens, protects, blesses and keeps me in His way.  He starts and stops me, speeds me up and slows me down.  He is the sovereign authority in my life. He  chastises me when I go astray and blesses me when I do not.

Remember, if we do not listen to and walk with God everyday, we aren't likely to do so in an emergency ... a time of crisis. Let us yield to the governing will and hand of God.
We will get to where He wants us much sooner. RB

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