May 15, 2013

Keys To The Kingdom Of Success

Common Sense Commentary: There are two areas of success in life. The first is in the "Kingdom of Earthly Success"... business, reputation, and physical success, which has many keys.  The second, and most important is the "Kingdom of Heavenly Success" which has just one master key but it opens all doors.

There are Multiple Keys to the Kingdom Of Earthly Success. Some of them are:

GET ORGANIZED and stay organized ... Keep everything important tended to and in it's place. Reorganize often, more often, and never procrastinate. Never stop organizing your business, home and life.

SEE THE BIG PICTURE, the forest, not just one or two trees; all the stars... not just the brightest one. The panoramic view, how each thing relates to the multitude of things surrounding it. Visualize success.

MAKE FEW PROMISES, but keep, to the letter, each of them. Your word is a promise. The dependable word of an honest man will open a thousand doors. One broken promise or word will close a thousand. Keep your word or don't give it.

DON'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED.  Things, situations and people are seldom, if ever, what they appear to be. Do not underestimate your enemy or opponent or competition; But do not overestimate him too much and be needlessly fearful. Our speculation as to other peoples reasons for what they do is seldom correct.

ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT PEOPLE ARE JUST PEOPLE, not gods, super humans, or superior to you. Neither are they animals, worthless or inferiors.

ALSO REMEMBER THAT NOBODY IS EVER EXACTLY WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE.... sometimes better but usually worse. Everybody wants to look better than they are and they try harder in public to leave a good impression.

NEVER NEGLECT TO SHOW KINDNESS AND RESPECT to all people... even those you have to fire, wound or kill. Do nothing with hatred. You are neither more nor less than any other human being. Your faith, brain and motivation are the differences.

LEARN YOUR ENEMY'S STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES.  Avoid his strengths and trade to his weaknesses and the gaps and errors in his methods. Do not deal with the head of a snake but, "take it by the tail"... Exodus 4:4.

STUDY THOROUGHLY ALL PURCHASES. Buy on logic, reason and knowledge but never on emotion. Every dollar spent on emotion is a dollar lost to a greater, wiser stewardship need.  Emotional spending leads to bankruptcy and misdirects energy from the goal of success.

NEVER FAIL TO SHOW APPRECIATION for gifts, favors and a job well done. A thankful person attracts generosity, kindness and friendship. Lack of appreciation closes those same doors.

RONALD REAGAN SAID, "TRUST BUT VERIFY". Trusting other people's word is
important in all areas of life, but verification is absolutely essential in all important matters. Unredeemed human nature is never quite honest or truthful.

ALWAYS BE PUNCTUAL. Other people's time is as valuable and important to them as yours is to you. It is wasters of time and disrespectful sluggards who are invariably
late for appointments and keep other people waiting and wasting their time. Lateness, without unavoidable reason, is the same as lying and stealing other people's time.

PROTECT YOUR CREDIT RATING.  It is your "reputation" and trading platform. A
good credit rating will save you more money, in a hundred unexpected ways, than most of your investments and far more than a Certificate of Deposit. To those you do business with, it reflects the dependability and consistency of your word.

GET THE FACTS, seek counsel of experts and experience; absorb all the information available related to your decisions, business and investments. Learn to handle your own portfolio rather than paying someone with less interest in you and your savings than you are.  Good Information is a fortress with towers, an arsenal and a mote.

UNDERSTAND THAT SUCCESS IS BUILT ONE BRICK AT A TIME ...not hatched out and born whole. It takes time, hard work, frugality and consistency.

KEEP A PRIORITY LIST, each day, with most important things first, so they will get done, and leave less important things undone until later. Start over tomorrow, and every day, realigning your priorities and adding new things. Stick to the list.

THE FIRST THING ON THAT LIST is that "single key" to the Kingdom Of Heaven Success .... Matthew 6:33   But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. All of those keys and doors to earthly success, above,  are opened by this one key. RB

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