Jul 7, 2013

Four Greatest Blessings Of Old Age

Common Sense Commentary: It is not health, wealth, fame or power. It is not a satisfaction with your religious faith. It is not an inner feeling of self-righteousness or worthiness.

I am in the place called "old age" and therefore qualified to give my opinion on the subject.

The four greatest blessings of Old Age are:

(1) To know that you know that all your sins are under the blood of Jesus and Heaven is your eternal home based solely on what He did on the cross and in His resurrection.

(2) To know that your spouse, your children and friends love you and others respect you. To truly love them as well.

(3) To know that your life, though punctuated with sin and failures, was not wasted and helped others to Christ.

(4) To know the peace which passeth all understanding.

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil.4:7. 
This is more than my opinion. RB


  1. Amen! I am there too. Thanks for your perceptive comments.

  2. Amen.....dad. That's what you could call unmeasurable riches.

  3. Romans 8:18 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."


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