Jul 8, 2013

Christians, Above All Things Love One Another

Common Sense Commentary: I believe the magnificent success the Apostles of Christ had immediately after He ascended back into heaven, and just after Pentecost, when thousands were saved and the Church grew exponentially, was due to three things. First, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit of God working through the Apostle's. Second, the pure and simple preaching of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ to the thousands of pilgrims gathered in Jerusalem, from many nations, for the Feast Of Pentecost. And third, the sincere, agape love the Apostles received from Jesus and passed on the those  who heard their preaching and saw that love.

God even spoke through that strong, rough handed, short tempered Apostle, Simon Peter, and said, "Above all things have fervent love (agape) among yourselves...." 1Peter4:8. "Above all things...", he said. How important is that? "Above all things".
This has to be the reason Satan does all in his power to neutralize "love" among Christians. If he can cause division, hard feelings or vain pride to keep Christians from loving each other, he stops the Church of Jesus Christ in it's tracks and weakens the members of His church to effectively carry out the Great Commission of winning souls. Satan uses the sins of jealousy, fear and pride to stop Christians from loving and showing that love to children, husbands, wives, and other Christians, which strengthens  homes, relationships and churches.  Sin drains the agape love from hearts and leaves churches cold, useless and ineffective.  Jesus spoke to this in Matt.24:12, where He said, "And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold." Sin destroys love.  Jesus not only loved people, he showed it.  John 11:5 says, "Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus."  Do you think Jesus hesitated to tell his apostles and disciples that He loved them.  He did it constantly. "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you...". Jn.13:34.  The next verse, v.35, He tells us that "love" is the identifying mark of a Christian. "By this (love) shall all men know ye are my disciples if ye have love one for another." Love is a testimony to the world that we are Christians.

Spiritual (agape) Love is commanded or commended or expressed toward others over 300 times in the New Testament alone. So remember the power of love, and it isn't known unless it is shown and expressed.  My mother loved her family and people in general but especially Christians.  She was constantly telling us and showing her love in a thousand ways.   Dad was a bit more reserved but nobody had any doubt that he was a loving, giving, helping man.  Our family was and is a hugging, loving bunch. We live next door to our son Ron. We see him at least once a day and he never leaves without saying, "I love you", whether it's to his mother and me or his wife Cindy or his children and grand-children.  I feel sorrow for people who never hear their spouse, children, relatives or friends tell them they are loved.  Of course, it is more important to show it than to say it, but saying it has a power almost equal to showing it.  You husbands and wives express your love for your mate. Parents must communicate love to their children to give them security that they are loved.  Don't let the fear of being misunderstood keep you from expressing your love for fellow Christians and little children.  Jesus expressed His love constantly with great effect. We, as His disciples should follow His example. RB... I love you who read this and more important ... so does Jesus.

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