Jul 9, 2013

Perfect Fit Into "Abomination Of Desolation" Prophecy

Common Sense Commentary: From the elections of 2008 we have all witnessed what I call a series of "Evil Miracles".  I refer to a long list of occurrences which previously would have been totally impossible to have come about. I'm talking about eye-popping, mind boggling, happenings on a level with the unbelievable... but they happened anyway. Things which cannot be explained in any other way than to confess the reality of an evil, powerful, God hating fallen angel named Lucifer, alias Devil and Satan. What we have all witnessed since 2008, in America, and around the world, is an "about face", a sea-change, a revolting revolution to the core of practically all civilized nations.  In the Middle-East it is called "Arab Spring".  In Europe it is the apparent coming apart of the European Union... with non-Muslims temporarily in charge.  In China, Africa and South America, revolution and civil war are boiling just below the surface.  Here in the U.S., I need not elaborate. The rapid demise of our national influence, productive power, world leadership, common sense and the World Reserve Currency, the dollar, are obvious.  Not to mention the reversal of our national heritage, a Christian America, into the abyss of secularism and socialism, under the leadership of what appears to be a Muslim, Socialist President and a comatose, acquiescent Congress.  There is no way that Islam is not a vital part of the Anti-Christ's reign.  It fits the description of the Abomination Of Desolation.  Except for a miracle from God, their take-over of the world is irreversible.  Here, in this video, are the sobering facts. You must watch it in self-defense, to be informed, to know the truth of the matter; but you must put your trust and destiny into the hands of God.  He could have prevented all this, but He didn't. That means, He is allowing it to happen .... and I think, in fulfillment of prophecy... which must come to pass.... because "It is written".


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