Sep 26, 2013

The Reason Our President Refuses To Inforce Illegal Alien Laws

Common Sense Commentary:  Nobody with one eye and half sense can miss the fact that the reason the Democrats, their corrupt Acorn appendage and Liberal Socialists of whatever front name, want a flood of  poor, uninformed, illegal aliens into the U.S., is to create a Liberal Socialist Majority of voters.  The following article is just a glimpse into the mindset of these Trojan Donkey, inside the walls, conspirators.  That Trojan Donkey didn't roll through our gates on it's own; Conservative Christians let down their guard and got outvoted by the "free stuff" addicts.  What even they didn't realize is that the Trojan enemy's huge, free gift, on wheels, was full of armed, illegal aliens with a trap door through which they would descend, in the night, and open the gates for their Trojan army. This is the night, and we are just one election away from becoming a foreign country to Christian Conservative Patriots. One sad side of this story is that thousands of  U.S. citizens, who love this country, have seen the handwriting on the wall and decided there is no hope, in reversing the trend, and they are leaving their homeland for other countries which are now more free that the U.S.  It may seem like they are abandoning ship but I must confess that, considering the  impending calamity here, if I were young, I would probably be among them. If the ship is truly sinking, wise sailors look for a life-boat. We Christians, of course, have that eternal life-boat for our souls, but remember that our forefathers, the pilgrims, left their home countries for the same or similar reasons that we face here, today. RB
 Bertha Lewis. Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images  

ACORN’s former chief calls for more immigration to boost black power

Neil Munro
 White House Correspondent for Daily Caller
ACORN’s former CEO Bertha Lewis urged Africans-Americans to support increased immigration as a strategy to gain political power.
“We got some Latino cousins, we got some Asian cousins, we got some Native-American cousins, we got all kind of cousins,” said Lewis, who spoke Thursday at the annual political conference of the Congressional Black Caucus.
“Cousins need to get together because if we’re going to be [part of the non-white] majority, it makes sense for black people in this country to get down with immigration reform,” said Lewis, whose ACORN group was formally disbanded in 2010 after a series of scandals.

Lewis did not mention solidarity with whites, or with people who define themselves as Americans, in her appeal for power.
“Everyone, even all white folks in this country, acknowledge that in a minute, [the] United States of America will be a new majority, will be majority minority, a brand-new thing,” she said.
In 2012, “for the first time ever in history, African-Americans outvoted white Americans. Oooh. That’s the fear of the white man. That could change everything. That’s why [immigration] should matter to us,” she declared.
Lewis got only modest applause from the room of 300 attendees, nearly all of whom were black.
But her appeal for non-white solidarity was backed up by New York Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke.

What will happen with comprehensive immigration reform will be a new landscape of humanity in the United States of America,” Clarke told the attendees.
“America is a shape-shifter, and based on who’s here, in what numbers and at what time, determines the political outcomes,” she said. Blacks should cooperate with Latinos, she said, adding “we all have skin in the game, literally.”
The racial appeal was echoed by William Spriggs, chief economist at the AFL-CIO. “If we are going to be the new majority, we’re going to have to start acting like the new majority and start setting the new rules,” he said.

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