Sep 27, 2013

"TheOne", Our U.S. Chief Humpty Dumpty Has Led Us Off The Wall

Common Sense Commentary: I'm afraid our Uncle Sam (U.S.), that's "us", now fits the description of a very old, childhood nursery rhyme .... "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and all the king's horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again."  Our national, sick dizziness, with a "critical" prognosis, due to all of our own sins, and all the Obama scandals, lies, maleficence, misfeasance.... plus considering the fact that half of the voting population is already on the government's  IntraVenous dole .... plus the many millions of illegal aliens about to be given U.S. citizenship with voting rights .... it's hard to miss the fact that our Humpty Dumpty leaders, led by him called "TheOne", have led us off our high wall, down down down to history's ditch for fallen empires. I can see the Great Physician, with His all knowing stethoscope,  shaking His head ...... With that prognosis, can a nation be saved, redeemed, healed? A sinful, fallen individual can be, but can a nation?  I see no provision in the Bible for the salvation "redemption" of an organization, but God physically saved Israel several times.  If we had turned from our national and personal sins before the present calamitous destruction of our founding principles, and called out to the God of our fathers, for Revival in America, maybe He would have heard us and spared us, but we didn't, so He probably won't. We are not about to fall from the wall of our prosperous and happy past, as a nation: We have already fallen. We have just ... not hit bottom yet. At this point, half way down, there is no "recovery" ... except to hit bottom, and look back up to God for mercy and forgiveness and just hope He has some further use for us, as a nation.  But even if that is within the realm of the possible... as God's plan, it will not be done except God's people rise up, in obedience, and yield our lives to Him, to be used to His will and purpose.  That is the only hope for America, as a nation.  But on a personal level, any of us can experience salvation from the consequences of our sins.... or revival for those of us who are already saved by God's grace ... just backslidden and spiritually weakened.  The only possible route to Revival in America, or anywhere else, must be through the lives, prayers and commitment of God's people .... the truly born again Christians. We are the hold up, the obstacle in the way of revival .... but also the last hope for revival in America. But how and where does it begin? In your heart and mine right now or never. RB

Here is an excellent video of the situation I describe above:

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