Oct 31, 2013

Hanoi Hilton Prisoners Of War, 40 Years Later

Common Sense Commentary: Regardless of what you thought or heard from the news media, or read in a left wing "history" book, it was Richard Nixon who ended the Viet Nam war. That war, the first lost by the U.S., was lost, not by our military, but by the news media and the constant demonstrations and near revolution caused by the hippy culture, and a congress which restricted our military from winning it. Not that I was in favor of the war, but if we are going  into a war, let's win it or stay out of it. We had the power to win it but wouldn't use it.

History doesn't show Nixon to be one of our most popular Presidents, but the hundreds of American prisoners of war, in Viet Nam, whom he brought home, love him to this day. Recently, this past May, those former prisoners of war, at the Hanoi Hilton, so called, had a reunion at the Nixon Library. It was an exceptional occasion and far more news-worthy than anything else you saw or heard on the news that week, but not a word of it reached most Americans. Here is a brief, but moving, video of that P.O.W. Survivors Reunion. Don't miss this. It is special. RB


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