Nov 1, 2013

Do I Ever Make Mistakes,Mis-statements Or Miss The Target Completely?

Not that I know of. If I knew it I wouldn't do it. And when I do it, it's because I didn't know it, not because I didn't do it. So don't hold me to the exact, precise and always totally right, line of absolute perfection.  I do not claim that everything I say or write is perfectly correct or perfectly written or perfectly explained. In fact, nothing I say or write qualifies for that lofty title. This blog is not Holy Scripture. God and Jesus are the only perfection which ever touched humanity. Not one of the rest of us has come anywhere near perfection.... from Adam to Abraham to Billy Graham to you and me. Our imperfections include all versions of perversion, aversion, reversion, diversion, inversion, subversion and yea ... even conversion.

Besides the obvious anti-righteous sins, commonly known, we have a host of overlooked and contradictory offences. There are many versions of self-righteousness. A few examples are, for instance, the person who hates people who hate people. In their self-righteous judgment, they cannot stand, tolerate or forgive people who hate people and thereby unknowingly join the crowd of those they hate ... and become one of the unforgivable, intolerable, hated ones they love to hate. If that seems contradictory .... it is, but I didn't do it.

Another example relates to the fact that all of us have some sort of feverish fetish, large or small or barely visible, concerning something or other. There are those who have a "hair" fetish or a make-up fetish or a strange clothing or jewelery fetish. I knew a woman who had a "shoe" fetish. She had about 200 pairs of nearly new shoes and at least 20 pair she had never worn. And then there are those who have a revulsion to people who have a fetish. That's a fetish against fetishes. We are such a faulty lot. One of the most contradictory human failures is the idea, by some, that any of us human beings can totally rise above all guilt of sin ... while we are still in these stinking bodies of sinful flesh. Besides the visible sins and the secret lusts, there are all of those warts, moles, pimples, bumps, wrinkles, drips, smellies and scalies.  "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak."  Mark 14:38. (This verse proves the two-fold nature of man).  Jesus said that to the leader of the Apostles, Simon Peter. If Peter needed that admonishment, how much more we?  It is not a born again Christian's flesh which was born again but the inner, spiritual person.  "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:6. 

Spiritually, we are new creatures (2 Cor.5:17), but physically we still need a bath, get sick, old, frail, forgetful, die and our flesh rots away in the grave,  but not our spirit.  Our flesh did  did not get converted or even changed. But spiritually we live on forever and never die because we were spiritually born again and when Jesus comes and the trumpet sounds, these old rotten bodies will be resurrected in a new and glorified state like unto Jesus. Then, finally, we will be perfect but not until then. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2

In the mean time, be patient with other people's faults, failures, and fetishes. Do not hate people you don't like very much or not at all.  You will find that others will forgive you more quickly if you, yourself, are a forgiving person. Jesus, himself, said it was so .... "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." Luke 6:37. 
Now, stand for truth and righteousness ... but be kind, be humble and be real.

Common Sense Commentary: A most uncommon quality is, someone who puts on no airs, false faces or pretensions but is simply real. Only if we are internally what we appear to be can we be transparent. Is there any one who fits that description?  Jesus.

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