Dec 31, 2013

As We Approach The Finish Line ... What .... Now?

Common Sense Commentary: He hung as the voluntary, battered recipient of unjust judgement; upon whom no blow drew an outcry of complaint or waver from His chosen destiny. He was unmoved, undeterred and unequaled in His determination and complete commitment to his holy purpose. He was victor over sin, Satan, fear, hate, loneliness, disease, death and discouragement. He was Christ, the extension of God from heaven's glory to worldly, human need. He was Jesus, the sacrificed Savior, dead, buried, then resurrected by the divine power within Him. He was God in flesh, hanging from cruel iron spikes.... in my place, and yours. Now .... what am I, what are you willing to do for Him to show appreciation? Love Him? Accept Him? Live for Him? Tell the world of Him?  Die for Him? ....  Or Nothing much?

My time of ministry and influence for Christ is waning, I have not time to waste. I must speak simply and truly that every ear and heart, which hears,  may hear clearly .... the message of God's word and His plan through Christ. There is no more time for Christian hedging, evading or wasting the "now" opportunity. We Christians must occupy the void left by Satan's deviltry and fill it with God's word, prayer and Jesus talk ... till He comes. We must attack  "the gates of hell" head on ... come what may... criticism, persecution, prosecution or death. It matters not what others think of us, though they be friend or kin, judge or jury. It is the truth that shall make us, and them, free.... not a presidential or Judge's decree. Jesus promised, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." Jn.12:32.

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." James 4:8.  RB


1 comment:

  1. Just cannot get any clearer than that. Amen!


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