Jan 1, 2014

My Prayer For This New Year ... 2014

Common Sense Commentary:

That we Christians will cease our inglorious retreat from the front lines of the war of good against evil ... God against the devil.

That true believers will take up, again, the whole armor or God ... and the sword of His Spirit which is the word of God.

That Christ's Church will turn and counter-attack the Gates of Hell, which "shall not prevail against it", as Jesus said.

That all of us who profess Christ will not only be faithful Christians but good citizens who take a stand against all evil, including political evil ... and vote the rascals out and the good guys in.

That our U.S. Constitution will be protected and preserved with our country in tact and our freedoms restored.

That I may have the strength, courage and faith to do my part in living up to these prayer requests ... because faith without works is dead.

And finally, that "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ...." RB

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