Jan 26, 2014

Do Not Equate Forgiveness By Our Holy God With Sinners Forgiving Sinners

Common Sense Commentary: We see with our eyes and experience; God sees with his Omniscience.

In human relationships, repentance by the offender and forgiveness by the offended, each stand alone, though equally powerful in healing body, mind, heart and the relationships themselves. In our relationship with God, forgiveness is always the result of sincere repentance.  Jesus made it clear, "....except ye repentye shall all likewise perish." Lk.13:3. But repentance is not verbally uttered words. It is a condition of the soul ... an attitude of the heart.  There were no verbal words of repentance by the woman taken in adultery. Though she certainly, at that moment, was silently repentant, and Jesus knew it. She said nothing except to answer his question ..."Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?" To which the woman replied, "No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." Jn.8:10-11. Her repentance was in her heart ... not in her mouth. Neither was there verbal repentance from Blind Bartimaeus ... but it was certainly in his heart, when he cried out to the passing Jesus, "Jesus,.... have mercy on me." Mk.10:47. That was evidently enough for Jesus to heal and forgive this sincere, repentant, needy man.  Even the thief on the cross, next to Jesus, didn't cry out to the citizens of Jerusalem, from whom he had stolen, a long litany of his crimes against them, and ask their forgiveness. It was God's forgiveness he was concerned with, but he did not verbalize his repentance, even to Jesus, but Jesus knew his heart, that the man was completely repentant when he simply said to Jesus, ".... Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Luke 23:42. To that simple, short request, without a spoken word of repentance, Jesus responded, "...Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". v.43. Was the man repentant? God wouldn't have saved him if he had not been. It was in his heart, not in his mouth. God reads the heart, not necessarily the lips. Lips lie, exaggerate and speak in ignorance, but the silent heart is where the truth is. Man hears only spoken words and sees only the outward appearance, but cannot know the thoughts and intents of the heart of a person.   "... The LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." 1 Sam.16:7.

Sincere repentance to God, from the heart, is always accepted and forgiveness given. But only He knows whose heart is sincere. Men do not and cannot know that. Though some claim to.

Human forgiveness of others is of more benefit to the sinner who forgives that to the sinner forgiven by him. It does more for his own soul and peace of mind to forgive. But do not equate the forgiveness of our holy, perfectly pure God to that of unworthy sinners forgiving other unworthy sinners. A Christian's repentance to or forgiveness of others is wonderful and commendable, and should be done ( Matt.5:23-24), but it is God's forgiveness which cleanses and saves the repentant soul from his guilt and the consequences of it ... not man's.  Human forgiveness solves many problems, soothes feelings, restores human relationships, but does not cleanse and redeem the soul of either the one forgiven or the one forgiving. Only God can do that.

We are all rather like a prison full of convicts (convicted) of murder, drug dealing, rape, lust, adultery, treason, theft, hate, covetousness, jealousy, lying or perjury ... in either our hearts or actions .... each feeling superior to "those worse than me" ... and most swearing their innocence. God knows the truth about each of us... our hearts.  Let us focus on our own sins ... not someone else's. Only the love of God, the sacrifice of Jesus, and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit can draw us to God, wash away such heart conditions and bring us unto repentance, forgiveness and salvation.  RB

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