Jan 28, 2014

So, What About Ole Rayburn ... Am I Holding Grudges?

Common Sense Commentary: One cannot forgive his own sins against others. He can only forgive their sins against himself, and that is a key to he himself being forgiven by God.

I, like most preachers, leaders and prominent persons, have been gossiped about, lied about and otherwise unjustly treated at times.... in the past.  It comes with the job. It was always strangely perplexing, to me, that nearly everyone overlooked or forgave my real faults and failures ... but a few detractors preferred to just make up something, to their own liking, of which I was not guilty. Even so, I can honestly say, there are few people I just don't like. I am not bitter against anyone, but I am angry at just one person .... our President. He has done more to destroy our country, which took two and a half centuries to build, than anyone in history, including past presidents, the axis leaders in WWII and all the Communist dictators put together. But his crimes and sins are against God, our nation and the world, not against me personally. It is not my place, therefore, to forgive him for what he has done against God and our nation. He would laugh at the idea of wanting, asking or needing my forgiveness. He would, in fact, be insulted by the prospect. Who am I to Obama? Nobody. But, as for anyone who has sinned against me, personally, I harbor no unforgiveness, no matter what they may have done or said against me. Just staying alive, healthy, confessed up before God and keeping up with Mrs. Blair ... and this blog, requires all the energy, and life, I have left ... without hauling around a back-pack full of scrap iron grudges, bitterness and unforgiveness. It is especially hard to sleep under or draped over one of those bulky things ... riding you or you riding it ... through the night. I have sincere sympathy for those who can't lay it aside, and are still trying to lug such a load of bitterness day and night, through life. It makes you old, and ruins your health;  Give it up. "Forgive" is just a seven letter word, but it makes a world of difference in life ... and in eternity.  RB

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