Feb 13, 2014

Evolution Far More Complicated And Harder To Believe Than Creation

Common Sense Commentary: "...Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called." 1 Tim.6:20.

Even if evolution were true, which it is not, it would only relieve you from believing the Bible account of creation ... not in God, Himself. For even evolution would require some creative intelligence. For instance, where did that first speck of life come from .... accompanied by all the enabling elements of survival surrounding it such as an exact temperature, oxygen, nourishment, water and protection. That first, fragile speck of life would also have to have a built in process of staying alive for the additional millions of years before it evolved a means of absorbing and digesting that unexplained presence of nourishment and water. And then, it would have to have a built in method of reproducing itself or staying alive all those additional millions of years until it had evolved that reproductive process. And that explanation demands that that fragile speck of life have a means of protecting itself from a too hot or too cold climate, sudden absence of nourishment or the presence of thousands of other ways to be snuffed out before it had a brain, sight, hearing, arms or legs to protect itself. How does it stave off starvation, drowning, burning up, wilting, or being crushed by all that other stuff rolling, falling, exploding or otherwise happening all around it? Before finally evolving into a human being, there must be trillions of reasons for that fragile speck of life to die or be killed. All of that evolving is impossible without an intelligent, overseeing power. So even evolution, if it were true, requires a Creator. Its just a longer, less possible, less believable explanation than creation. Did I hear you say "natural selection"? By whom ... Mother Nature? That's like saying Santa Clause.

Evolution cannot stop with that speck of life, the earth and the human race. It must also explain where this beautiful, rotating, orbiting and perfectly functioning, infinite universe came from. The record of creation in Genesis is much easier to believe than Charles Darwin's little theory. The evolutionist must still believe in a "higher intelligence" if not in the Genesis account of creation itself; so why not accept a far easier to believe cause of our existence and not have to worry about waking up in hell because of your unbelief in the God of creation and His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ ... found in the same Bible as creationism.  RB


  1. Evolution is simply Devilolution, whose followers are devilolutionists practicing devilolutionism.

  2. Darwin's evolution is simply devilolutionism espoused by a bunch of devilolutionists.


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