Feb 14, 2014

Answering A Fool Is Folly; Continuing To Do So Is Fool Debating Fool

Common Sense Commentary: "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." Prov.26:4. You will never convince a fool against his mindset, but you might convince reasonable observers of your own folly.

A battle of any kind requires two sides. There is no one sided war. When the battle is words instead of armament, physical damage is of no concern. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  For a "Words War" to continue, each side must continue to attack and counter-attack, fire words at the opposition and then defend against retaliation ... back and forth, back and forth.

In such a battle of words, which some personality types relish, and since physical defeat is out of the question, they will continue the fight as long as possible .... because arguing is their self fulfillment. They are in their element as long as you respond. Their satisfaction is not in presenting the most logical case or the highest quality of information or proof of their position, but attacking and retaliating. Therefore, it is a time tested fact that the only response to such people, which works, is to cease responding and ignore them. To continue arguing with someone, who loves to argue, is futile and simply enables them in their persistent lust of verbal conflict. It also gives them the audience they crave.

The Biblical name for such argumentative, loud mouths is "Fool". To defeat the fool, simply do not answer them in the first place.  Without an opposition, every continuing outburst from them, serves to prove their own mental and spiritual disorder. You will never convince a fool against his mindset, but you might convince reasonable observers of your own folly. RB

Wise King Solomon spoke as God gave him words ....

"The fool rageth and is confident". Prov.14:16.

"A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul." Prov.18:7.

"Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words." Prov.23:9.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." Prov.26:4.

"A fool uttereth all his mind." Prov.29:1.

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