Feb 14, 2014

Take What You Want And Leave What You Don't

Common Sense Commentary: No two people agree on every single thing unless one or the other is totally subservient to the other and has no freedom of thought whatever.

When I In Awesome Wonder
I know not which is most awe inspiring, to stand on the lip of Grand Canyon with a cool, Indian campfire sunset, or at the foot of the Grand Tetons on a flaming winter dawn, or on the Appalachian Trail during the glorious Autumn changing of the leaves, or atop the Chisos Mountains on a starry, starry Texas night with no lights on except God's.   Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider .... RB

Consequences Follow Bad Actions Automatically, Though Not Always Instantly
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."  Ecc.8:11

Wait Until The Scab Falls Off
"...Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." 1Sam.16:7. We can't see under the scab until it falls off and there, under the ugliness is healing, new skin and a small miracle. That is what God sees under the flesh of the redeemed soul, but as a much greater miracle. Mrs.B.

Not So With The Unredeemed Soul
There are a lot of talented, capable and even genius people .... but nobody is infallible or who always does the right thing or who never sins, in the flesh. There are no supermen, superwomen or Santa Clauses. People are all just people, with faults, failures and sins. God does not see any of us as "worthy of Salvation" or anywhere near it ... except through the prism of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins. That and only that will get you into heaven ... if you repent and believe on Him. RB

Bailing Out The Disobedient
You cannot bail someone out from under the judgement of God, though you dedicate full time to the effort and spend a hundred thousand dollars trying. They must, themselves, turn to Jesus, in faith, repent and follow Him as their Savior. Neither can you bail them out from under God's judgement if they are simply a disobedient Christian. It is a transaction between God and them. You cannot do it for them though you spend your life and life's savings trying. RB

New Diet Never Fails
A fabulous, miraculous, almost unbelievable diet has the most descriptive name and works every time. It was discovered in old manuscripts and is free. It is, in fact, already in your kitchen. It is called .... "Moderation". "Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand." Phil.4:5.

Do you have misgivings about your misgivings? Then stop missing giving. RB

Why Don't I Avoid Politics?
A woman asked me, "Why don't you stick to religion and avoid politics and secular subjects like Socialism, abortion, homosexual marriages and our government?" My answer ... "Because mine is a practical faith. First pray, believe, trust God to protect and bless; but then, work, plan, sacrifice, prepare and fight when necessary ... because ....
as we read God's word in James 2 .... "Faith without works is dead, dead, dead"

14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

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