Feb 18, 2014

I Have Been Blessed To Live The Pennacle, Capstone Heights Of America's Glory Years

Common Sense Commentary: I have been privileged to have lived in the greatest years in the history of America.  1930 to 2000  were seventy years of magnificent progress and change, and then, since the turn of the century in 2000, there has been an implosion of all that made America great. The seed of the fall of the American empire must have been planted much earlier but wasn't recognized by most until a new president began violating the U.S. Constitution with impunity, issuing new laws without consulting Congress, and undermining the nation with increasing and blatant regularity.

My time in the U.S. reaches from saddles to satellites, from segregation to integration, from personal responsibility to mass irresponsibility, from national patriotism to treason in the highest leadership realm, from national reverence to God, the Bible and Churches to national irreverence of all that is holy, from national self reliance to national dependence on Government hand-outs, from small, efficient government to huge inefficient government, from a free, non-partisan press to a Liberal, Socialist, partisan press, from national intolerance of perversion to national encouragement of it .... and on and on.

About the time I was born, my father, who worked on a ranch southwest of Sweetwater, Texas, rarely went into town. One Saturday, he went to town to buy a new shirt and trousers. While there, he decided to treat himself to a malt. When he went to pay the clerk the ten cents price, he handed the clerk a ten dollar bill, most of a weekly salary.  The clerk didn't have enough in the register to cash a $10.00 bill and told my father he could pay the 10 cents the next time he was in town.  Though my father had no business to do in town, he went all the way back to town the next Saturday to pay that drugstore the 10 cents he owed them. That kind of honesty and reliability was not unusual, in our country, in those difficult days. I never knew my dad to curse, lie, steal or neglect to pay his bills.  A lot has changed.

Click below for a video of past times in America:



  1. I obviously have a wonderful heritage!!
    Thanks Grandad, Thanks Dad!!
    I love you!

  2. Honesty, integrity and character still live though not nearly as popular here in the good old USofA.
    I'm proud of the living example my Dad and Grandad showed me thru their lives.


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