Feb 27, 2014

Is God's Word Restricted To A Hebrew And Greek Funnel ?

Common Sense Commentary:  Saving faith comes only from"hearing God's word" (Rom.10:17), but even nature itself drives the seeking soul to God's will and God's word... that they might be saved.
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." Psm.19:1-3.
God has the power to cause the sincere seeking soul to arrive at the right place and at the right time to hear God's word ... by some miraculous way, as at Pentecost,  .... that they might be saved.
"Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language." Acts 2:6.

The first known movable type printing system was invented in China by Bi Sheng around 1040 AD. It beat hand printing but was too primitive to reach much beyond it's printer's location. An improvement in the Chinese system was a moving metal type developed in Korea, but was still too slow and cumbersome to print on a large scale. Then a German goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg made a huge leap forward using a hand mould to produce movable metal type which could be rapidly produced in great quantities and set in his improved screw press. This happened in 1450 and had the potential of mass producing of both press printing systems and printed materials. It took a while for the new age of printing presses to spread throughout Europe, but by the end of the 16th century (the 1500's), printing was spreading like a wild fire into millions of pages and entire books were being produced. One of the first things printed on a Gutenberg press was the Gutenberg Bible. Since it was written in Latin, and there were few copies of that, it could not be considered a Bible for the masses, but was a theologian's Bible, and therefore was not yet spread abroad to all people. By 1600 the demand for an absolutely authentic English version of the Textus Receptus (Received Texts), of the Holy Scriptures, moved Briton's King James to commission and demand, on penalty of their lives, from Hebrew and Greek theological scholars , an accurate English translation of the Bible. It is my belief that God, Himself, chose that particular King, and those particular scholars, to translate a Bible for printing, on the newly developed printing press technology, for the masses of the common people to read. At the exact same time, that the Holy Bible was being translated into English and printed en-mass, the mighty British Empire was in its initial phase and would spread around the world ... carrying that King James Bible of God's word. And for the next 400 years the King James Version of the Bible was the fresh green tree bearing seed from the Textus Receptus root of God's word. There were other versions, but none reached the zenith of acceptance as did the 1611 King James. Almost everyone saved during those 400 years were brought to Christ under the preaching, teaching and witnessing from the King James Bible.

From Wikipedia:
The British Empire comprised the dominionscoloniesprotectoratesmandates and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom. It originated with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. At its height, it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power.[1] By 1922 the British Empire held sway over about 458 million people, one-fifth of the world's population at the time.[2] The empire covered more than 13,012,000 sq mi, almost a quarter of the Earth's total land area.[3][4] As a result, its political, legallinguistic and cultural legacy is widespread. At the peak of its power, the phrase "the empire on which the sun never sets" was often used to describe the British Empire, because its expanse across the globe meant that the sun was always shining on at least one of its territories.

The King James Bible came into existence at the most strategic and opportune moment in history (Rise of British Empire) ... to gain world coverage for the final three stages of the Church Age, prophesied in Revelations 3, before the return of Christ and rapture of His Bride. Prior to the King James Version of the Bible, only highly educated theologians could read and teach God's word. The average person, of course, did not know Hebrew for the Old Testament, Greek for the New Testament or Latin for other translations of the Bible. The King James has since been translated into every other language on earth.

It was during that same historic time period, of the beginning of the British Empire and mass printing of the Bible, especially the King James Version, that the Reformation happened in Europe and America was being settled by emigrants, bringing their Bibles with them. That was the Revelation "Church Age" time of the Sardis (Remnant) Church period of Rev.3:1-6. Sardis was followed by the 1800-1900's Philadelphia (Brother Love) Revival Church period of Wesley, Finney, Edwards, Torrey, Spurgeon, Moody, Sunday and probably Billy Graham was the last of the Philadelphia Revival Church period. Now, since that period of the Church Age obviously ended with the 1900's, we are presently in the final period of the Church Age ... the Laodicean, luke warm Church period of Rev.3:14-22.

My final point is this. Even before copies of the King James Bible were mass produced, translated into all other languages and taught from, all over the world, God was, even then, reaching souls for Christ through His Churches and His Christian people. You do not have to be a Hebrew and Greek scholar, or trust one, to understand all that is necessary and essential to become or be a Christian. There was a time, before the King James Bible translation, and the printing press, when that may have been the case ... but no more. Practically everyone on earth can read by the time they reach the age of accountability.

If only Greek and Hebrew scholars could properly understand, and teach the O.T. and N.T. Scriptures, a lot of scholarly unbelievers, who happen to know these languages would be more qualified to teach the Bible than the vast majority of Christians who do not know those languages. If that were the case, our faith would depend more on them and their word than God's word and they would surely pervert it. The ministry of God's Holy Spirit gets His word into people's hearts no matter who they are or what language they understand. How does He do that? He has all the ways ... Preaching, teaching, witnessing, gospel tracts and His "Spirit of Truth shall guide you into all truth"....... Jesus said....
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but ... I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:  Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;  Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.  I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now .....  when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth....John 16:7-13.

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