Feb 25, 2014

The Christian Witness Advantage... The Boldness Of Certainty

Common Sense Commentary:

God does not give faith to believe a lie. "So then faith cometh by hearing ...the word of God." Rom.10:17. God only gives faith to the receptive heart upon hearing God's word, the Holy Scriptures.
God, Himself, is the only source of true and believing faith which only flow through the Holy Scriptures and only into the receptive, hearing heart.  Everything else the world calls faith is not faith at all. It may be fleshly confidence, strong determination, hard headedness, self delusion, human deception, ignorant fanaticism or a belief system of sorts, but it is not "faith", the Greek word "pistis", which comes only from God to the heart receptive to Him.

The atheist and other unbelievers, rejectors of God's word, and of the Lord Jesus, do not and cannot have faith in their unbelief, no matter how convincing their pretended confidence may appear. A true Christian, however, can know that he knows that he knows that his faith in God and Jesus Christ is absolute and eternal truth because God gives that kind of faith.  Whereas, unbelievers are not and cannot be sure of their denial of God, His Bible, His Church, His Holy Spirit, Heaven and Hell.... because they are wrong, and God does not give faith to believe a lie. They may swear what they say they believe is true but they do not know that they know that, because they can't .... God does not give faith to believe a lie. Every atheist and worshiper of false gods doubts their position and fears they are wrong, and that doubt and fear are chinks in their armour, their Achilles Heel, the weak link in their slave chain of unbelief.  It is the spot a Christian witness should aim his arrow of truth and testimony... at their doubt and fear.

Therefore, the Christian witness should never retreat from confronting unbelievers with the gospel ... never forgetting that they have hidden doubt and fear lurking deep in their unbelieving heart of every non-Christian. That is an open door directly into their hearts and we should be bold in our witness as the Apostle Paul was in his witness to the religious lost ......"And he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians: but they went about to slay him." Acts 9:29.  Their confidence in their religion had holes in it and Paul's boldness in his faith shook their confidence and made them angry. That, my friends, is The Christian Witness Advantage and Boldness Of true faith's Certainty. RB

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