Feb 23, 2014

Two Hard Questions Lead Dad To Seek Answers

Common Sense Commentary: "... a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6.

A second grade girl asked her Dad "Hard Question #1".

"Daddy, where did we ... and all the little animals come from?"

"We just kinda happened Juney."

"All of us ... at the same time?"

"It's hard to explain ... It's called evolution."

"Did evil lution just pop us out of thin air?"

"It was more likely the ocean we came from."

"Well, where did the ocean come from?"

"It probably fell out of the sky ... like rain."

"So, where did the sky and rain come from?"

"The sky is just a small part of the universe."

"So, where did the uverse come from?"

"Dear God, June Bug, you ask the hardest questions."

"That's what my friend Jimmy, at school, said too."

"He said what, that you ask hard questions?"

"No, that Dear God made all this stuff." RB

A fourth grade boy asked his Dad "Hard Question #2"

"Dad, where are we going?"

"You mean tonight? We're going to Joe's for hamburgers."

"No, after that."

"As usual, we'll come home and go to bed."

"I mean ... after that."

"You mean tomorrow? I'll go to work and you'll go to school."

"No Dad, I mean long after all that."

"Well, long range, you will eventually graduate grade school,
High School, and go to college someday."

'Even after that, Dad."

"Oh, you mean when you someday get married and have
children of your own, and your Mom and I are retired?"

"Dad, I mean at the end of all our lives."

"Son, are you worried about dying? All of us, your mom and 
I and you and your sister ... we will all die and be buried like
everybody else."

"But Dad, I mean after that."  RB

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