Feb 22, 2014

Democrats ...Here's A Congresswoman, Disabled Vet To Run Against Hillary In the Primaries

Common Sense Commentary: Any way you might compare this woman to Hillary Clinton, she towers over Hillary like the Empire State Skyscraper over an Arkansas chicken coup, Quality over Corruption and Honesty over Deception. I hesitate to mention clear eyed, open faced, wholesome attractiveness over ugggggg. She's the only Democrat I might could vote for unless she was running against one of the only two Republicans I could vote for. This guy Castillo, the object of her disaffection, is, of course, a more typical type of  Democrat. RB

Congresswomen Duckworth was brilliant and brings to mind the fact that
 she is a real war hero. She held the rank of captain and was a
 helicopter pilot. Her helicopter was shot down over Iraq and she lost
 both of her legs and use of her right arm.

 Mr. Castillo's business received $500 million dollars in federal
 business because he claimed he was a disabled veteran.  Mr. Castillo's
 injury consists of hurting his foot while playing football at an elite
 college prep school!  He never served a day in the service of his
 country, but he claimed playing football at a college prep ROTC was
 the same as an injury in combat!

 Watch what Duckworth says to Mr. Castillo, who has made millions from
 his "disabled veteran status," while real disabled veterans live under
 viaducts and in alleys because of what they saw or did in the defense
 of this nation.

 Give her four minutes to set this guy up before belittling him in
 front of a congressional hearing. And the speaker of the meeting let
 her talk longer than allotted regular time.


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