Feb 21, 2014

Was He A Prophet Or Just An Honest Christian With Spiritual Vision?

Common Sense Commentary: Where were God's preachers and where were His Christians?   "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber." Isa.56:10.  So God spoke through a radio commentator......

Forty seven years ago, April 3, 1965, he spoke these words on his daily radio broadcast. Millions of Americans listened in to one of the 1200 radio stations he was on across the nation. He was the famous ABC Radio commentator, Paul Harvey, who was loved by nearly everyone in the country. His amazing predictions were spot on and became the reality we now see in every city and town in America. The pictures on this video were, of course, added by the producer since Harvey was speaking on the radio and he used only his voice to communicate with his audience. Every thing he predicted has come true ... America listened to him but either didn't hear or didn't take action by speaking out, by prayer and by voting for the right people to lead our country. The result is .... we have lost the America we all knew at that time. May God have mercy upon us. RB   

 Click here: If I Were the Devil by PAUL HARVEY 

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