Mar 29, 2014

Another, New, Chosin Battle Documentary Of Marine Unit I Was With

Common Sense Commentary: The now famous, historic Battle of Chosin Reservoir in far North Korea, near China, has become one of the three most  thoroughly studied and written about battles in Marine Corps history, as well as one of the top battles in the history of warfare. The uniqueness of this battle is in the facts that is was fought in -20 to -40 degree below zero weather, in the isolated Taebaek Mountains. It was 75-80 miles inland from the Sea Of Japan with one way out on a one lane dirt road whose bridges had been blown.
We 12,000 Marines, and a few soldiers, were surrounded and outnumbered 10 to 1 by 120,000 Communist Chinese Soldiers and there were no reinforcements available. The record shows that during this one 2week  battle, the Marines alone lost over 3000 killed, at least 6000 wounded and we all had frost bite; some lost feet and fingers.  The Chinese confirm they lost 34,000 killed in this one battle.

This new documentary deals with a  rifle company of approximately 200 Marines, to which I was nearly always attached as a combat, radio operator (SCR-300). I carried a rifle as well as a radio because in the Marine Corps, every Marine is first and foremost a rifleman. The Company was "George Company". The documentary is titled, "Bloody George Company At Chosin". It is an episode of the series, "Against The Odds" on AHC, the American Heros Channel (formerly Military Ch.), and will be aired for the first time this Monday, Mar. 31 at 10pm Eastern time and 9pm Central time .  I was with George Company at Inchon, in the capture of  Seoul and at Chosin in the battle through Hell Fire Valley going into Chosin and coming out.

As you may know, several other documentaries have been done on the Chosin battle, two of which I was interview in. I was not interviewed  for this most recent one about "George Company". Watch it if you can. I would appreciate your prayers for my surviving old buddies, all of whom are as old or older than I, and are passing on rapidly ... leaving all their old wounds behind. RB

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