Apr 1, 2014

"Why Was The Gun Even Here?", Asked The Under Six Aged Child

Common Sense Commentary: This NRA article, on ABC NEWS'  20/20 program, is one example of thousands of the left's propaganda barrages, full of half-truths and lies, to force popular opinion to join the Liberal politicians in taking away American Citizen's Constitutional Right to "keep and bear arms".
These exaggerations, skewed facts, half-truths and blatant lies are the same weapons used throughout history by Dictators, Politicians, Nazis, Communists and Socialists to incite their followers, and other naive or simple minded citizens, into disarming and destroying all opposition to their absolute power over the people. In almost every case, when that total power was gained, some of the first to be eliminated were these same followers. Mao Zedong did it, Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Kim il-Sung did it, Castro did it, the Mafia did it ... and the leader of today's U.S. dictatorship will also do it when and if it culminates. That will be the singular good thing which will come out of any dictatorship... the elimination of those who caused it. RB

From NRA's Freedom First,  Official journal of the National Rifle Association

ABC NEWS' Diane Sawyer hosted an absurdly anti-gun special, wherein her crew not only left handguns out for the children under six to find, they hid them in their toys and candy. Silly? Dangerous? or just plain UNFORGIVABLE?

In late January when Diane Sawyer and David Muir, hosts of ABC NEWS "20/20" news program, played fast and loose with statistics on childhood gun accidents, followed by a hidden-camera set-up that filmed small children left unattended and tempted with firearms left in open backpacks, candy bowls and other easily accessible areas, the network's disregard for the basic standards of journalistic integrity were exposed.

"Every other day, a child is accidentally shot to death," Sawyer boldly proclaimed in the program. After that fabricated factoid, things really went downhill in the honesty department. "We learned just this week, Diane, that nearly every hour in America a child or teen is sent to the hospital with a gunshot wound," Muir said, "and many of those cases an accidental shooting in their own home."

In truth, ABC News' own website carried a recent story detailing Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics that show the number of American kids under the age of 18 who died from accidental shootings in 2010 (the latest data available) was 98 - down substantially from 150 deaths in 2000, and 417 in 1990. The CDC data further reveals that 36 children under the age of 10 were killed in firearm-related accidents in 2010, while 262 died from fire/burns and 609 from accidental drowning.

To prove their "point", however, sawyer and ABC greatly inflated a recent study by Yale researchers that concluded 7,391 children under age 20 (one per hour, as Muir said, would actually be 8,760) had been hospitalized for firearm-related injuries, with 453 of those patients dying. By including individuals up to the age of 20 in their definition of "children" the network and its hosts shamelessly used data on criminal gangbangers to vastly inflate their claims of accidental gun injury in children.

One would think that "20/20" would first try to determine whether including statistics on 19 year-olds would even be appropriate, instead , they placed a handgun in an open backpack and in a bowl of toys, then left preschoolers unattended in the same classroom to film the results.

One young child actually posed a question that we would have loved to ask those conducting this so-called "study", given the opportunity. "Why was the gun even in here"? "That's a very good question." the fake teacher, psychology professor Marjorie Sanfilippo of Eckerd College in Florida, responded. "You know why the gun was in here? Because we wanted to see what the kids would do if they found a gun."

Wrong. The gun was there so ABC could get "shocking" video of children handling guns-video they could use to boost "20/20" on a Friday night.

The only thing standing between a freedom loving citizenry and a heavily armed, power obsessed government, is the Constitutional right "to keep and bear arms".  I, for one, am not willing to give up that Constitutionally provided right given for that very reason. That right was given to keep government in it's place as subject to the people and not as their master. RB

Is Obama President, King, Dictator, or Tyrant?
Written on Friday, March 21, 2014 by 
President Obama is breaking all precedents in steamrolling a complacent Congress as he governs by executive orders. With Obama, we the people has been replaced by me the president.  In recent speeches, the president has been forthright in saying that in every case where he can act without Congress he will do so.  Not only is this an extraordinary statement coming from a man who is supposed to have been a professor of Constitutional law, it shows a dangerous disregard for government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Ever since the U.S. Constitution was established as the law of the land, there has been tension—some would say power struggles—between the executive and legislative branches of government.  In fact, this tension is a necessary part of the checks and balances our Founders put in place to ensure that each branch of government plays its assigned role without encroaching on the prerogatives of the other branches.  If the president gains too much of the upper hand over Congress, the voice of the people is replaced by the voice of just one person: the president.  If Congress gains too much of the upper hand over the executive branch, we have government by committee, and nothing gets done.  Consequently, it is important to maintain the proper Constitutionally-prescribed balance between the executive and legislative branches of government.
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/articles/obama-president-king-dictator-tyrant/#xgoywSFvcLQeZ8SC.99

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