Apr 5, 2014

Government's Vision Depreciates With Time And Blurrs Moral & Political Lines

Common Sense Commentary:  "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isa.5:20.

I can think of three primary classifications of issues governments choose to deal with, political, social and moral. Historically, governments tend to want to assume control of all issues and eventually wind up with absolute power over everything; Including issues outside of their legitimate, legal dominion, and they blurr the lines of separation between the three. This is not the same perversion as the morphing of power from one to the other of our three branches of government. That is also happening, right now, with the president assuming the power of congress,  but I speak not of the three branches of our government but of three types of issues they all deal with. 

It is the nature of the beast that all governments, over time, will gradually change from a guard dog into an octopus, reaching out constantly for more and more power, which is the addictive food of the creature. It hungers to make moral issues either social or political so they can vote for immorality and against morality, neutralize the backlash of their moral constituents and gain the support of their immoral ones. Abortion, homosexual marriage, legalizing illegal drugs, welfare for perfectly healthy, able bodied people, and violating the Constitutional Rights of citizens are not just political or social issues, but are moral ones. Political issues might be international relations, traffic, highways, the military, and protecting national borders, but legalizing addictive drugs, prostitution, abortion and homosexual marriages are not. Non-enforcement of such laws or institutionalizing the crime is legalizing it. Voters who cannot or refuse to see the difference are the main reason for the problem. There is a moral difference between prostitution and matrimonial sex, between abortion and motherhood, between sexual perversion and Holy matrimony. Governments have no God given right to legitimize what God plainly forbids and condemns. Romans 1:18-32 is a good place to start seeing these things as God sees them. 

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