Apr 6, 2014

I Have A Love/Hate Relationship With My Glasses

Common Sense Commentary: I have a love/hate relationship with my glasses. They are  fragile, big eyed, little female things which I can hardly pick up, keep in place or lay down without dropping and scratching or breaking. Glasses have a quirky way of making even an eye surgeon clumsy. It is like the relationship between male and female ... you don't understand each other. You can't live with them but how could you possibly live without them? Though I wear tri-focals, when I am under my tractor, on a hot humid day, trying to fix something, squeezing myself into a contortionistic twist, I can't ever find the right focal to see the problem... through the sweaty lenses .... That's when I hate them.... But fixing anything you can name, without them, is totally impossible. As much as I enjoy reading, without my glasses I could never read another word  no matter how I might squint, stare, strain or complain. I haven't really tried swearing, but it would not work either ... God would strike me blind ... then what would I do? Well, I do like good music, the sounds and smells of nature, hot baths ... and good food. RB

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